Sasscer Hill's first mystery novel, Full Mortality, as well as her newest book ? Racing from Death are horse racing mysteries featuring jockey Nikki Latrelle.
In Racing from Death, a sociopath is selling diet cocktails...and killing jockeys who struggle to make racing weight. To make matters worse, Nikki and her exercise friend Lorna hear strange noises echoing in the nighttime woods, and a burned body turns up on the road outside the track.
Are all these events related? A hidden meth lab, an old family secret, a body buried years ago in the woods, and Lorna's sudden disappearance pull Nikki into a race against death.
Full Mortality, Hill?s first novel, was nominated for both the Macavity and Agatha Best First Mystery Awards.
Sasscer Hill, who has bred race horses for many years, has won several amateur steeplechase events and has ridden in fox hunts for 22 years. Author of several mysteries published in the ?Chesapeake Crimes? Anthology, her articles have appeared in numerous magazines. Sasscer Hill has recently moved to Aiken from Maryland.