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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Vonda Pelto, Ph.D.-- Serial Killer Expert, Author 'Without Redemption'
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About: Vonda Pelto, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist who worked throughout Southern California and is famous for counseling serial killers at L.A. Men's Central Jail from 1981 to 1985. She used those years as the basis for two book, Without Remorse and Without Redemption, the latter which came out in 2022 and is a historical biography of Bill Bonin, the Freeway Killer responsible for murdering 22 teenage boys over ten-moonths in 1979-80.
C.R. Fabis, Author of 'The Angel and the Amazing Life of Maggie Love'
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About: About C.R. Fabis: C.R. Fabis is a retired chef who invented thousands of desserts for major chains, high-end restaurants, and fast-food joints. Never attending culinary school, Fabis learned his skills from a small bakery in California. After moving to Colorado to work as a dessert chef for Steven-Charles, where the company exploded in popularity. He is now a cartoonist on Instagram and a novelist, publishing his debut novel, Rome Never Fell, in 2019. The Angel and the Amazing Life of Maggie Love is his second publication. He has four children, and he currently lives in Littleton, Colorado with his wife, four cats, and one dog.
Carolina Ugaz-Moran -- Author of 'Aline and the Blue Bottle'
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About: I went to pre-school in Spain, where I saw sheep in the mountains in San Cugat del Valles. I was with two other preschoolers and we went to see the sheep together – the shepherd had to bring us back along with all of his sheep and this caused fantastic havoc in the school In Argentina, when I was almost 2 years old I rode a carousel that was over 100 years old and tried to hook a large ring in ring-holder – missed it every time!!! I swam from the beach across the open ocean to a tiny island called Catita with my parents, my 2 brothers, and one puppy when we lived in Venezuela! When I was 6, I wanted to be a Marine Biologist and study sharks – still do!!! My mother always found new adventures for my brothers and I to do.
Sasscer Hill -- Author of Horse Racing Mystery Novels
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About: Sasscer Hill's first mystery novel, Full Mortality, as well as her newest book ? Racing from Death are horse racing mysteries featuring jockey Nikki Latrelle. In Racing from Death, a sociopath is selling diet cocktails...and killing jockeys who struggle to make racing weight. Full Mortality was nominated for both the Macavity and Agatha Best First Mystery Awards. Sasscer Hill, who has bred race horses for many years, has won several amateur steeplechase events and has ridden in fox hunts for 22 years. Author of several mysteries published in the 'Chesapeake Crimes' Anthology, her articles have appeared in numerous magazines.
Potpourri Books
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About: Potpourri Books offers readers an eclectic choice of reading treats. From novels and non-fiction to humor and children's books. We love the unique and special, because that's what our readers are, too! The staff at Potpourri Books includes seasoned professionals who have worked in the publishing and entertainment industries for many years. We are committed to bringing projects to fruition with innovation and excellence.

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