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Tango-Fu: Former Kickboxer Sets Tango World Record
Tim Ferriss - Productivity, Digital Lifestyles and Entrepreneurship Tim Ferriss - Productivity, Digital Lifestyles and Entrepreneurship
San Jose, CA
Thursday, February 2, 2006

Tim Ferriss and world-famous partner, Alicia Monti
It's hard to imagine 50,000 spectators and coordinators in The Rural, even if it is the biggest exhibition hall in Argentina, even if it was the Tango World Championships.

The atmosphere was an intense mixture of sweat, cigarette smoke, and adrenaline, and Tim Ferriss was taking the stage with his partner, groomed from more than 1,000 dancers from 29 countries. He had just become a semifinalist in the World Championships and the first American to hold the Guinness World Record for Tango spins or "giros". The whole of Buenos Aires was surprised, and they didn't even know the whole story.

Two years ago, the former national kickboxing champion hung up the gloves after 18 shoulder dislocations and needed an escape from 60-hour work weeks. One day, he packed a small backpack with a week of clothing, left his job, and set sail for Europe with a one-way ticket. A planned four-week vacation turned into a 17-month adventure around the globe that still continues today, even though he returned yesterday from chasing sharks in Belize to settle temporarily in San Jose, CA:

"Everything has changed. I've realized that life doesn't need to be as hard as people make it, and you don't have to spend your best years within the walls of a cubicle. You'll work 500 months in your adult life, so what's the rush?"

Among all of his experiences, from spearfishing in Panamá to hiking the fjords of Norway, Ferriss' fondest and most amusing memories remain those of Tango: "It was a transformative experience for me. The transition from blood sport to ballroom dance wasn't easy at first, but as soon as I adjusted to the tight pants and stopped seeing myself as a kickboxer, it was a revelation. I stagger to think what most people could do if they simply stopped labeling themselves."
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Name: Tim Ferriss
Title: Author, Princeton University Guest Lecturer
Group: Random House/Crown Publishing
Dateline: San Francisco, CA United States
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