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How Can Exercise Improve Liver Health and Prevent you from Being at Risk of Developing Other Illnesses?
Dr. Jonathan G. Stine, MD MSc, FACP Dr. Jonathan G. Stine, MD MSc, FACP
Hershey, PA
Monday, March 23, 2020


The NASHFit Trial were recently featured by abc27 during a live call-in program with pre-recorded trial information. The NASHFit study is a 5 month exercise intervention trial for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The trial includes supervised aerobic exercise training with an exercise physiologist 5 days a week as well as weekly meetings with a nutritionist to enhance diet. Exercise intensity and daily caloric intake was tracked on a fitness tracking watch and application which allowed researches to see the most up-to-date real time information about participants.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common disease of the liver worldwide. It is due to an excess accumulation of fat in the liver. The extra fat in the liver leads to abnormalities in clotting and patients develop issues with clots in their lungs, legs and veins going into the liver. Lead investigator, Dr. Jonathan Stine explains "Most patients who have this condition are complete unaware of their diagnosis and further more they are asymptomatic…a lot of times patients find out when they undergo testing for another problem".

The goal of the NASHFit study was described by Dr. Stine: "To take the most common reason for liver problems in the United States, which is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and to use exercise as medicine to improve this common condition".

Exercise participants in this trial have seen a reduction in weight, liver fat, and decreased liver volume as well as improvements in blood sugar, and cholesterol. Dr Stine said that "For many patients if they are able to get more active and achieve a little bit of weight loss (7-10% of body weight) you can reverse or perhaps make the scarring go away".

For many people knowing where to start with exercise and diet change can be difficult. Making small changes like going to a 10 minute walk and becoming more aware of your food choice are a good first step. Talk with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen to be sure it is safe for you to participate.

For more information on how to participate in this trial please contact grivas@pennstatehealth.psu.edu



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Name: Dr. Jonathan G. Stine
Group: Pennsylvania State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Dateline: Hershey, PA United States
Direct Phone: 717-531-1017
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