Maura Thomas helps busy professionals and teams discover how attention management, rather than time management, is the new path to productivity. She's ranked #8 Time Management Professional in the ...
About: ERGO is a non-profit research group studying the subtleties and complexities of euthanasia (help with a good death) so it can be carefully carried out as and when the law permits. Journalist and author Humphry has campaigned since l978 for a dying person's right to medical assisted suicide, also self-deliverance if no lawful means is available to a terminally ill adult who is of sound mind. He became involved in the right-to-die issue when he published 'Jean's Way' -- an account of helping his dying first wife to bring her life to a peaceful end. Derek Humphry (president), who founded the original Hemlock Society in l980, also authored the bestseller how-to suicide guide, Final Exit, which sells in 12 languages. In 2017 Humphry published his life story 'Good Life, Good Death: The Memoir of a Right to Die Pioneer' (Carrel Books, NY)
About: Timothy A. Dimoff, CPP, high-risk security expert is President/Founder of SACS Consulting, Inc. (www.sacsconsulting.com), a risk mitigation firm providing preventative measures and response for substance abuse, workplace violence, harassment, crime, and policy development/enforcement problems for the security and human resources fields. Tim has appeared on NBC Dateline, Court TV, CNN, on radio shows and in major newspapers and magazines including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Inc. and Entrepeneur. Tim is the author of numerous articles and training programs, and of the book Life Rage, an in-depth look at the rages terrorizing society.
About: Chris is the leading expert on Plastics and the Environment which is why respected companies like Apple, LEGO and P&G come to him for help. A deep understanding of materials and high creativity allow him to quickly solve even the toughest challenges. In 2020 Dr. DeArmitt published The Plastics Paradox, the first book to present the scientific evidence on waste, litter, degradation, microplastics and ocean plastics. The book dispelled myths propagated online. Having read over 4000 scientific articles on the topic, Chris is now in demand globally as a keynote speaker. He founded the Plastics Research Council nonprofit in 2024. Dr. DeArmitt has appeared on CBS 60 Minutes with Scott Pelley as an expert witness in a class-action lawsuit related to Marlex mesh plastic implants. Other media appearances include the BBC, Sky News and NPR/PBS.
About: Mark Lazar was raised in a blue-collar family living below the poverty line, and experienced first-hand the struggles and pressures faced by many families in the United States. Rather than discouraging him, these hardships motivated and gave him ambition, fortitude, and a good work ethic. He began working at age twelve and became a millionaire before age 40. Today, Mark’s passion is helping others become financially independent and prosperous, sharing common-sense principles, values, and strategies that lead to financial success. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, wealth advisor, and Senior Vice President of Investment for Raymond James Advisors. Along with more than twenty-five years in the investment industry, he was an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business from 2002-2017. Mark holds a BS in finance from the University of Utah, and an MBA from the University of Colorado.