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Institute of Consumer Financial Education
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Institute of Consumer Financial Education
San Diego, CA United States
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Contact Information
P. William Zivanchev (Pete)
San Diego, CA
United States
Main Phone: 619.239.1401
Contact Phone: 858-276-7139
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Institute of Consumer Financial Education
What We Do

The ICFE is dedicated to helping people of all ages improve their spending, increase their savings and use credit more wisely.

Help educate, motivate and empower Americans, through educational programs, to put more of their discretionary dollars aside in investments for their future.

Help people refrain from over-spending and credit card abuse, saddling themselves with consumer debt and high interest payments they so often can't afford.

Influence people to regularly save and invest at least ten percent of their income.

Teach people how to keep more of the money they earn and do more with the money they keep. Help raise the savings and investment rate of America by creating new investors.

Help employers everywhere make personal finance programs (home study or instruction) available to employees and their families as part of an employee assistance program and employee benefit so as to lessen the outside and often financial distractions people bring with them to the work place. What We Stand For

Promoting an Economically Strong America With Financially Healthy Citizens

We support and encourage efforts to get all Americans to put more money aside for the future so as not to be dependent upon Social Security/Medicare, family members or welfare.

We urge that all fifty states require a course in personal finance for high school seniors and the establish personal finance courses in elementary and junior high schools.

We believe additional incentives are needed to cause more Americans to live within their income and motivated to increase savings.

We disparage any incentives to consumers borrow and spend beyond their incomes. We support efforts to bring about full disclosure and consumer protection in borrowing, saving, insuring and investing. We see deficit spending whether by the individual, the family, businesses or government at any level as costly and dangerous.

We promote putting aside more discretionary income for the future, whether it go into savings, investments or insurance.

We promote rehabilitative financial and credit education, now incorporated into existing bankruptcy laws, on the Internet.