Home > NewsRelease > 2014 Quality Initiative of National LTC Network (NLTCN) Embraced by LTC Insurance Carriers
2014 Quality Initiative of National LTC Network (NLTCN) Embraced by LTC Insurance Carriers
National LTC Network -- Long Term Care Insurance National LTC Network -- Long Term Care Insurance
Overland Park, KS
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The National LTC Network reports that its 2014 Quality Initiative has been embraced by the nation's leading long term care insurance carriers.  Currently under development, the new producer training program will provide new processes and techniques to support prequalifying clients prior to the submission of their application. 

"The NLTCN is happy to provide the expertise and bench strength to create a platform that will be utilized first by the NLTCN membership and later provided to the long term care industry as a whole," stated Terry Truesdell, President of the NLTCN. "We believe our training will create a higher level of quality business which will provide stability and growth in the long term care insurance industry."

About the National LTC Network

Founded in 1994 as a national alliance of leading long term care insurance experts and distributors, the Network includes some of the largest and most respected long term care insurance distributors in the nation, offering coverage from the Nation’s finest long term care insurance companies.  Network members are dedicated to promoting and distributing long term care insurance with ethics, excellence and integrity. Consumer inquiries are welcomed. 

For further information:   http://www.nltcn.com or email info@nltcn.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Terry Truesdell
Group: The National LTC Network
Dateline: , United States
Main Phone: (913) 385-7899
Cell Phone: (913) 484-4337
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