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APF Chair Kicks-off Foresight Strategies Show February 2018
Dr. Nilda Perez --  Futurist, Business Foresight Strategist, Speaker, Author Dr. Nilda Perez -- Futurist, Business Foresight Strategist, Speaker, Author
New Hampton, NY
Sunday, February 11, 2018



"Futurist help clear your vision to see into the horizon much further than you ever imagined"

NEW HAMPTON, NY - February 2018 -- Dr. Nilda Perez host and Rachel Calderon co-host of Foresight Strategies Show (FSS) are pleased to kick off February's guest appearances with the Chair of the Association of Professional Futurist. The Foresight Strategies Show (FSS), is live streamed on Facebook Live and syndicated via podcast and YouTube.

The focus of the Foresight Strategies group is to educate business owners about foresight. We believe that the more information business owners have the better they can design their desired future. FSS understands that the 21st Century business needs to be innovative in order to lead in their industry. However, we are also aware that without being future conscious it is virtually impossible to lead.

We have created the Foresight Strategies Show to promote future consciousness in a comprehensive and relatable format. By featuring guests from different industries and disciplines we bring the message of foresight home through this engaging approach. This platform is interactive and guests respond to questions bringing the conversation alive.

The idea is to have guests share their experiences and display how they have used foresight in their industry to create their desired futures. This month we will kick-off the month with the Chair of the Association of Professional Futurist who will breakdown foresight to its simplest form. With this information, the audience will begin to build future conscious awareness on how to position their business for sustainable growth.

"Future consciousness is like mastering a chess game; you recognize your opponents' position (past), you strategize your next move (present), and you prepare to beat the competition (future)" said Dr. Perez "without a well-analyzed strategy you cannot beat the game."

FSS provides business development from a foresight perspective. By featuring futurist from different industries that will showcase their expertise. We use this platform to educate entrepreneurs on creating a strategy for their desired future. In addition to Facebook Live streaming every Saturday at 11:00 AM EST.  All interviews are archived on the Dr. Nilda Perez site.

This month's guest lineup includes the following guests:

February 3rd - Jay Gary Ph.D. Futurist and Chair of  Association of Professional Futurist (APF), Assistant Dean of Online Programs and Associate Professor of Leadership at Oral Roberts University. He is one of America's leading foresight educators, futurist, and entrepreneur.

Throughout the '90s, he worked as a "millennial consultant," helping cities mark their passage into the 21st century. Later, he worked for a decade teaching strategic foresight to graduate students. Dr. Gary is the author of over 33 publications including a 2017 co-authored piece on "Building Foresight Capacity" which documented APF's "Foresight Competency Model" a tool that aids futurist to facilitate the foresight strategy process. 

February 10th  - Joseph Dalton CEO of Harris Myers a company that specializes in strategic and tactical thinking in marketing, email automation, website development, SEO, Sales coaching and mentoring. His exceptional expertise in sales and marketing offer great value to companies who do not typically merge sales and marketing for a seamless process. He has mastered the collaboration of the two.

Joseph has a very popular radio show named "Breakthrough Brands" in Dublin, Ireland where he speaks to business owners about what makes them tick and how they got started in business.

February 17th  - Anne Boysen Futurist and Founder of After the Millennials a consulting service and blog designated to comprehending our youngest generation. She uses her original methodology constructed from strategic foresight and data analytics.

Anne is an expert in exploring social statistics, trend spotting, and data mining in advising businesses and non-profits how to act on early signs of change. She advises on insights, consults on projects, and keynotes around the world. She advises the Alliance Partner for the Pearson Strategy Group LLC. and she is the Vice President of the World Futures Society Central Texas. And a member of the Association of Professional Futurist.

February 24th  - Jeremy Sisson CEO of Broker of Record for Evan James & Associates this is an award-winning, full-service commercial real estate brokerage. Their expertise is in investment sales, landlord and tenant representation, debt sourcing and property management.


February 28th  @ 8 PM - Richard Gottlieb  Futurist and CEO of Global Toy Experts, a global consultancy. He is an internationally known consultant, writer, speaker and commentator on the business of play. He is a play expert who is valued for his skill to anticipate how to survive and thrive in the 21st Century play economy.

Richard spends a lot of time in finding toys can bring families together as well as makes recommendations on the time a child should spend on playtime. He is a well-rounded expert in his field as well as the Publisher of Global Toy News, the industry resource for toy news, toy trends, and analysis of the business of play.

Mr. Sisson an MBA has focused his expertise on the mortgage and real estate industries for the last sixteen years. Early in his career, he was a multi-family specialist at the nationwide powerhouse commercial real estate investment brokerage, Marcus & Millichap. As a result, he has mastered the expedition of thousands of transactions. As a broker, he negotiates and closes deals in every major niche and product type of the commercial real estate industry.

"Foresight is a fascinating field that opens the mind to host of possibilities and probabilities. Your entire worldview is broadened as your ability to look into the horizon widens" said Dr. Nilda Perez "The capacity to have others acquire this broadened worldview is my passion." 


About: Dr. Nilda Perez is a futurist| business foresight strategist| mentor | trainer| consultant, earned a Doctorate in Strategic Foresight from Regent University. She is a member, and Outreach Coordinator of the Association of Professional Futurists. She uses foresight targeted strategies to position businesses in the 21st century by designing their preferred future to take them beyond their imagination.

Her goal is to help businesses of any size align themselves with future consciousness for longevity, an uncontested market space, increased profits, and maximum growth through foresight strategies with targeted tools, methods, and approaches. For more information, visit Dr. Nilda Perez or Foresight Strategies Group


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Nilda Perez
Title: Futurist | Business Strategist
Group: Foresight Strategies Group
Dateline: New Hampton, NY United States
Direct Phone: 914-443-7063
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