Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Here are the six quotes on the back cover of Weather Wealth & Wars, Empire Climate Discoveries Change Everything! with comments on each quote (not included in the 400 page book).
Quotes about Weather, Wealth, and War and Dr. Robert Reuschlein:
Jerry Rust: "Professor Reuschlein has worked tirelessly to expose the myths about military spending in the USA. His body of work effectively shows that increased military spending leads to lower manufacturing jobs; also influences health and crime statistics(negatively); and leads to a vanishing middle class; and eventually the fall of the US empire." Jerry Rust, 20 Year Lane County Commissioner, from Eugene, Oregon, now teaches in China.
Comment: Jerry is the first person to submit my nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016. It is important to recognize that empire and all its political and social fruits directly proceed from high levels of military spending and the resulting economic stagnation, as power is prioritized over achievement. The social decay of empire is usually considered a cause of the economic decay of empire, but it is instead a result of the military economy.
Dr. Michael Duffey: "Robert Reuschlein's Weather, Wealth, and War is a compelling and challenging analysis of two U.S. realities that have led to its economic stagnation: military spending to prop up the declining American Empire and the climate crisis. Reuschlein has marshalled plenty of data to support his arguments. The book is among the very best treatments of dangerous, if not fatal dynamics that beset the nation. Peace Studies programs and general readers will benefit from this read and be energized to take action." Michael Duffey is associate professor emeritus in theology and peace studies. His most recent book is War No More: Introduction to Nonviolent Struggles for Justice.
Comment: Dr. Duffey graciously responded to my request for reviews, producing this great quote from an associate professor who belongs to the Peace and Justice Studies Association.
Mitchell Davis: "Climate cycles define how climate change reverberates. The new book: Weather Wealth & Wars smartly details the many cycles that counter-mingle with each other. A must read for any long-view stock picker;" Mitchell P. Davis, The Yearbook of Experts.
Comment: Investors who use this book to pick stocks will make a fortune, at least until the knowledge in this book becomes more commonplace.
Dr. William Hawkes: "Although other economists may dispute some of his conclusions, no one would wish to argue that his data have been chosen selectively or used to buttress an otherwise weak case. His documentation is far reaching and generally persuasive." William J. Hawkes, Former Vice President and Chief Statistical Officer, AC Nielsen Company; Chair, Business Research Advisory Council for the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Comment: This expert on statistics confirms the statistics used in this book are both reasonable and accurate. This is where accuracy matters in establishing two new fields of study, military economics and the 54 year cycle discovered by the Russian Nicolai Kondratiev, Lenin's Finance Minister murdered by Stalin in 1938.
Alex Darnell KSCO Host: Robert Reuschlein Guest, Politics History Topic, Two Hours, 12-15-20: "Thanks again Dr. Reuschlein for the great interview/show. You are a fun guy and super smart and have a unique perspective on many things."
Comment: This is a typical comment of many who follow my work, as I appear on many talk shows.
Dr. Richard Schneider: "Robert Reuschlein has been associated with the Institute of Global Education since 1999. The Institute of Global Education is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation with ECOSOC (consultative) status at the United Nations. Mr. Reuschlein was appointed a Professor and taught 'Weather, Wealth and Wars' which was broadcast worldwide on our Radio For Peace International station from the campus of the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica. His work was well received and the course was taken by more than 100 students with many more listening in but not signed up for the course. The course has been repeated from time to time."
Comment: Richard had a keen eye for my work and invited me to his Costa Rican based radio station twice, in 1989 and later in 1999. In 1997 I first taped the 25 tapes and presented the University of the Air course "Weather Wealth & Wars" for Richard. Transcripts of those tapes formed the original basis of this text, with two major unpublished revisions/updates in the last twenty years.
Book Launch: https://www.amazon.com/author/robertreuschlein
Weather Wealth & Wars, Empire and Climate Discoveries Change Everything!
This 400 page book was copyrighted October 29, 2021 with a price of $20 postpaid (paypal).
Please cite this work as follows: Reuschlein, Robert. (2021, December 7), "Empire Climate Book Credits" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute. Retrieved from: https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Empire-Climate-Book-Credits,2021264533.aspx
Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2021 with accelerating interest from the deciding Norwegians. A consistently growing pattern shows intense interest in my work on my expertclick.com website; daily "hard looks" per year have gone from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200 to 322 by October 8th, the most recent Nobel Peace Prize announcement.
Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com
Info: www.realeconomy.com