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Freedom and Authenticity
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Monday, August 28, 2023


Presentation at Freedom and Authenticity Conference, University of Poland 8-24-23:

"Freedom and Authenticity:  Economic Engineering Explains Empire State in the United States" Professor Robert Reuschlein, CPA, MBA, EE (UW Madison), Ed.D. (Edgewood College)


Freedom and Authenticity

  • The concepts of freedom and authenticity relate to this presentation in the following way:
  • Reflects the freedom to configure a new macro economic model, based on engineering and physics, not on a social science, like economics.  When this new model is applied to raw data it proves stunningly accurate.  I was an independent scholar, free from institutional pressures to narrow and limit my focus in one academic silo.
  • The authenticity of my nine fields of expertise, and my conflict simulation wargaming decade with the founder of Dungeons and Dragons, gave me the necessary background to make a breakthrough.  The presentation outlines how the model was constructed as well as demonstrates its applicability to real-world economic and social problems.

Peace Economics

            I invented and published "Peace Economics" (book) in 1986.  In "Peace Economics" I developed a new economic theory to replace the 1936 Keynesian model.  I used Sivard's 1981 data on the negative impact of military spending on manufacturing, Kondratiev's 1926 54-year cycle, and Juglar's 1858 9-year investment cycle.  With my engineering, model building, and forecasting expertise and six months hard work with numbers I came up with a sixty-year US productivity model R=.999.  (The error rate, 1 out of a thousand, compares to the rounding error of the data.)

Global Warming Cycle

  • I invented "Natural Global Warming" in 1991.
  • This was the result of a three-year effort to explain the origins of the 54-year cycle Kondratiev Wave.
  • This began in 1988 with long term temperature and precipitation data from NOAA over 95 years.  1988, 1934, and 1936 droughts were 54 and 52 years apart.
  • In 2012, after Hurricane Sandy, I found that a 55-year moving average fit the 1850-2010 global temperature record in three straight line segments; flat to 1910, 1 degree Fahrenheit per century to 1964, then 2 degrees Fahrenheit per century until 2025.  R=.997 and R=.995 in the last two segments.

Empire Theory

  • Military Spending takes resources away from manufacturing slowing economic growth.
  • Military Spending drives up crime rates and leads to health and inequality issues among many others that together give rise to the social decay of empire societies.  Because these various effects change when the military budget changes, this is a better theory than complacency and ethical explanations in other common empire theories.


  • Silos in academic disciplines block such discoveries as my two big theories, so the freedom of the independent scholar is necessary to make these discoveries.
  • Engineering understandings like control theory and differential equations and system dynamics recognize cycles better than the widespread social science, history, and the 90% number phobic prejudice against cycles.
  • Astronomy and physics recognize many cycles like day/night, seasons, and the nine-year cycle in tides (known) and rains (my discovery).  Kondratiev and Juglar are part of this tradition.
  • Authenticity in my hard science background made my discoveries possible.

Friends with Alternative Visions, Gary Gygax and Robert Reuschlein

Gary Gygax

  • International Federation of Wargaming 1966-74
  • GenCon Convention 1968-current year
  • Dungeons and Dragons 1974-1985
  • Movies
  • Cartoon with Al Gore
  • Nerd #1 Sync Magazine Poll 2002

Robert Reuschlein

  • International Federation of Wargaming 1966-1974
  • Democratic Party of Oregon 1980-1993 (Executive Committee, Many Chairs and Titles)
  • Peace Economics 1986 (book)
  • Natural Global Warming 1991 (paper)
  • Professor Radio for Peace International 1997-2004 ("Weather Wealth and Wars" course)
  • Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-23, steadily growing online attention since day one.

Other Power Point Slides

Empire is all about limitation and control, growth is all about opportunity and achievement.  Politics, press, health, work, crime, sports, key occupations, and national security are all worsened by the militarism and restrictions of the domestic condition called empire.

Ukraine War Map and Game:


If you do not give a hoot about this game, check out the map for following the news.

Please cite this work as follows:  Reuschlein, Robert. (2023, August 28), "Freedom and Authenticity" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from:  https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Freedom and Authenticity,2023298139.aspx


Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2023 with accelerating interest from the deciding Norwegians.  A consistently growing pattern shows intense interest in my work on my expertclick.com website; daily "hard looks" per year went from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200 to 322 to 346 to 349 by the October 6th, 2023 Nobel Peace Prize announcement time.

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com 

Info: www.realeconomy.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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