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Hush Money Stole Election
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Sunday, April 2, 2023


Trump Steals 2016 Election

Russia, Comey, and Stormy combined in a perfect storm to elect Trump in 2016.  Russia has been grooming Trump since Trump's 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, when Trump met with a group of Russian oligarchs afterwards.  When the Trump team welcomed illegal foreign assistance from Russia, it was just another example of the disregard of the law by the totally corrupt Russian puppet Trump.  Trump is so venal and valueless that the thought of a Trump hotel in Moscow was enough to buy him off.  Although the Mueller Report was restricted by Trump appointees at Justice, he documented ten cases of obstruction of justice.  The truly independent investigation by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by a Republican found collusion with the Russians.  A researcher at UW Madison found that the same Russian disinformation that came from 4000 Russian Facebook sites also came from 20,000 Trump Facebook sites, and at the same time.  Obvious coordination.

Tipping Point

Hillary was hurt by the grossly overrated Benghazi investigation farce, then the Russian hacking stolen emails, FBI violation of "new" emails to investigate announcement ten days before election by Comey succumbing to Republican false pressure.  FBI announcement of new investigations of candidates is not allowed in the 40 days before election.  Comey was a Republican appointee.  But supplying the Russians with the target states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by Manafort was crucial.  The Russians also laundered $30 million to Trump through the NRA.  But after the "Access Hollywood" tape and the "pussy" comment the campaign decided to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels and another mistress.  Surviving that second blast might not have been possible.  Hush money may have decided the election.  It wouldn't have taken much to erase the 70,000 votes that won the three key states.

Federal Reserve Inflation Strategy

When Trump fired Janice Yeltsin as fed chair and replaced her with Jerome Powell, that was a corrupt abuse of power.  Biden should have immediately fixed this problem by firing and replacing Jerome Powell rather than ratifying him.  Now we are stuck with this flat Earth Republican economist.  It was easily expected that a five percent increase in interest rates would crater long term bonds, like the ten-year treasury's that brought down the Silicon Valley bank.  Before the increases, which started only one year ago at zero before the first time 3-16-22.  Inflation was 6% when the Ukraine war started on February 24, 2022, peaked in June at 9.1% (same month oil prices peaked).  The eight-month 3.1% drop from June 2022 to February 2023 is perfectly linear downward and if this trend continues inflation could reached the goal of 2% by December this year.

My point is that the fed has over reacted and should have stopped long ago.  After the banking collapse, raising the rates even more shortly after that is totally irresponsible in my book.  When recovery is halfway complete, stop hitting the brakes, when the fed expects a six to nine month delayed effect on the economy, the December goal is already baked in the cake.  Accelerating when the banks are stressed already is totally insane.  Watching Jerome Powell on CSPAN convinces me he is a narrow minded "flat Earth" economist.

Mitch McConnell Evil Justice Delay

When the Georgia election of January 5th 2021 gave control of the Senate to the Democrats, Republicans kept control of the Senate through impeachment and delayed the appointment of Merrick Garland to Justice for fifty days.  Those include the days when Justice decided not to prosecute the then no longer president Trump for hidden hush money benefit to the 2016 campaign, while Justice was still under Trump appointee control.

Fentanyl Insanity

Portugal (in particular) and Europe (generally) legalized most illegal recreational drugs without increasing demand.  Without legalization and the related quality control, how can you ever stop Fentanyl?  Why not do something useful like stopping monosodium glutamate and aspartame, which gave me headaches for years, until a nurse I was hiking with informed me.  Diet cherry 7-up was killing me.   Control is not better than freedom, just as my peace economics theory shows (in general).

Lying Is the Greatest Crime

Lying seems to be the gateway to the more notorious of crimes such as war, genocide, and murder.  The most lawless and grifting president of all time has been documented by the New York Times to have said 30,000 lies.  I have the sign above the Peace House garage next door that says "Fire the Liars."  Liars in authority have hurt me many times in my life.  Abuse of power seems to always start with lies.  My lifetime hatred of lies and liars (and bullies) makes it nearly impossible to get me to say even a white lie.  "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."  (Sir Walter Scott 1808).   Lies make life unduly complicated and confusing leading to many disasters.  Lies and secrecy can destroy the trust needed for democracy to thrive.

Summary Military Diseconomies Accuracy:  


Please cite this work as follows:  Reuschlein, Robert. (2023, April 2), "Hush Money Stole Election" Madison, WI, Real Economy Institute.  Retrieved from:  https://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Hush Money Stole Election,2023293337.aspx

Dr. Peace, Professor Robert Reuschlein, Real Economy Institute, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2016-2023 with accelerating interest from the deciding Norwegians.  A consistently growing pattern shows intense interest in my work on my expertclick.com website; daily "hard looks" per year went from 2 to 3 to 48 to 128 to 200 to 322 to 346 by the October 7th, 2022 Nobel Peace Prize announcement time.

Contact: bobreuschlein@gmail.com 

Info: www.realeconomy.com

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Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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