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New Technologies Could Lead To Much Smarter Humans, Says Futurist
Michael G. Zey, Ph.D. -- Future Trends and Longevity Expert Michael G. Zey, Ph.D. -- Future Trends and Longevity Expert
Morristown, NJ
Wednesday, July 20, 2016


MORRISTOWN, NJ (Expansionary News Service) July 20, 2016. In the near future, people will be able to boost their intelligence and memory with the help of new generation of pharmaceuticals and technologies. In fact, many Wall Street dynamos, students, and artists are already availing themselves of such products.

Or so says internationally-recognized futurist/sociologist Michael G. Zey, Ph.D., author of Ageless Nation (Transaction Books, 2014) and The Future Factor (McGraw-Hill.)

Dr. Zey will be speaking on this subject at the World Future Society's international conference in Washington DC held the weekend of July 22nd. His speech is entitled "Smart and Smarter: How the Intelligence-Enhancement Revolution Will Change Our World."

From his Morristown, NJ offices, Dr. Zey said that there is ample evidence that academics, scientists, executives, and fighter pilots already are using drugs like Provigil and Adderall to boost their intelligence, concentration, alertness, and memory.

"Electronic technologies such as transcranial magnetic stimulation have been shown to improve subjects' intelligence and memory," says Dr. Michael Zey. Thync, Inc. and Halo Neuroscience now market to the public wearable devices that zap your brain that can change your mood and boost your alertness. Someday we will physically reengineer the brain to increase its functionality.

Zey's talk at the World Future Society will certainly spark controversy. He has predicted in the past that the intelligence enhancement revolution will be accepted and used by many but also opposed by others for a variety of ideological and political reasons.

However,  Dr. Zey states that eventually "everyone will want an intellectual edge to enhance academic and job performance."


About Michael G. Zey 

Dr. Michael G Zey is the author of “Ageless Nation” (Transaction Publishers, New Horizons/Kensington), “The Future Factor” (Transaction Publishers; McGraw-Hill  hard cover),  “Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macroindustrial Era” (Simon and Schuster, hardcover; Transaction Publishers/ Paperback) and The Mentor Connection. 

He consults in the areas of formal mentor programs, future trends, technology development, career issues, and leadership development for Fortune 500 companies and government, including AT&T, Nabisco (all divisions), Kaiser Associates, Warner Lambert, Hoechst-Celanese,  United Technologies, the New York State Governor's Office of Employee Relations. 

Dr. Michael Zey’s controversial and original views on social and techno-trends have appeared in the LA Times, Providence (RI) Journal, Boston Globe, Worth, the Christian Science Monitor, Entrepreneur, the Sacramento Bee, The Age (Melbourne, Australia), La Liberation (Paris), Prosper, Flair and Il Sole/24Ore (Italy)  The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, ABCnews.com, Radio Free Europe, La Monde, and XMSatellite’’s USAToday/Newstalk station, NJ Business, as well as on WABC’s “Batchelor and Alexander Show”, AT&T’s “Tech TV” and “The Bill Cunningham Show”, as well as many NPR programs. He has been interviewed for The Wall Street Journal Report, CNBC, CNN, The Turning Point, and the Brazilian Globotv network program “Jornal Nacional”. He has been an invited guest on FoxNews, PBS’s Nightly Business Report, and ABC’s 20/20. His views on human enhancement technologies appear on the website of the Discovery Channel, www.discovery.com.

He is a regular contributor to KNX-AM, the Los-Angeles news affiliate of CBS, and is the National Future Trends analyst at Examiner.com

Michael Zey serves as Executive Director of the Expansionary Institute (www.zey.com),  is a Professor at Montclair State University, NJ and consults to corporations and government agencies.

(Source: Expansionary News Service, Morristown, NJ.)

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Title: Exec. Director
Group: Expansionary Institute
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