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Nobel Peace Prize Path
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Madison, WI
Friday, December 16, 2016


Here are summaries of the eleven press releases most closely related to my nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, 2016.  At the end is a link to the 18 pages of the complete texts of these eleven press releases.

10 Nobel Prize Pathways, 10-25-14

These pathways are my first serious attempt to lay out the options and rationales for the Nobel Prize.  This was the opening salvo in the Nobel Prize campaign after a very successful first year of laying out the many basics of Peace Economics, Empire Economics, and the Global Warming Cycle.  Then I left the issue alone for about a year, coming back just in time for the February 1, 2016 annual deadline for Nobel Peace Prize nominations.  This envisions three Nobel Prizes, one for Peace, one for Economics, and one for the Physics of the global warming 54 year cycle.  If achieved, it will be the first time ever one individual has been awarded three Nobel Prizes, several have had two.

Academic article:  https://www.academia.edu/4485636/NOBEL_Prize_Pathways_2014

Wordpress blog:  http://bobreuschlein.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/10-nobel-prize-pathways/

Letter to Nobel Committee, 10-5-16

This was my final attempt to persuade the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee in 2016, using the "reduction of armies" clause in Nobel's Will.  The two crowning achievements of my work are: 1) an elegant economic model of the last eighty years of the twentieth century in American manufacturing productivity with three basic factors and two special factors explaining 99.9% of the period with decade long Juglar investment cycles as the basic time unit. 2) proving that military spending is the worst thing for economic growth then opens the door to a new vision of how best to defend the nation over a long period of time.  Excessive military spending will weaken the national economy excessively making the nation vulnerable in a few decades time.  This requires a new lower balance for military spending levels in order to maintain a higher level of economic growth.  Being the world's policeman has few benefits that match up to the enormous costs.  Direct link:


Nine Areas of Mastery, 10-1-16

These are the necessary skills I had to have to put the main two theories all together.  The list could have included art and religion too, but while helpful, those two are not as essential.  The nine skills are math, science, wargaming, engineering, accounting, business, politics, peace economics, and the natural global warming cycle.  There are important biographical notes in each section.


Paradigm Shifts of Peace Economics, 4-30-16

Five paradigm shifts are explained here.  First is the fact that military spending is nonproductive.  The lack of a product means that military spending is wasted capital investment that does not give a product stream back to the rest of the economy like normal manufacturing does.  Second is that the economic flaw in military spending leads directly to the collapse of empire and the related collapse of the social structure over time.  This second feature ties the economics into the other social sciences in a greater theory.  Third military spending is unevenly distributed among the states and regions of a nation, causing big economic disruptions around the country as buildups and builddowns occur.  Fourth, the warming and cooling natural 54 year cycle leads directly into weather, economic, and war cycles of the same length and ultimate cause.  Fifth, the military spending and global warming causes lead to smooth elegant scientific explanations of a wide variety of phenomena, especially economic.  This new science is more like the science of physics than the social sciences, giving the social sciences a core backbone of physical science principals.


The following three describe the actual process of interaction with the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, 1-27-16

This includes the first nomination letter.  I knew from the website that over 200 nominations are typical, so I assumed many would be with just one nominator.  To avoid being overlooked and to make it into the top 20 or 30 who would be reviewed at the end of the first week, I hustled for a second nomination and got one by the 2-1-16 deadline.  It worked, they began to vet me.


Response from Oslo, Norway, 2-6-16

Because I track my results daily from the main two websites I use, I was fortunately up around the midnight cut-off from one day to the next.  Sometime between 45 minutes before 9am and 45 minutes after 9am Norway time, a very unusual pattern occurred in the data.  All fifty of the most current press releases had been looked at once.  In two years of daily checking of this data, never had more than 38 of 50 been looked at in a day's time by everyone looking at my expertclick.com website.  Runs of 10 or 15 or 20 are often looked at by apparently one person at a time, but never fifty at a time.  I am sure this meant I was being looked at for vetting.  So I quickly mailed them a copy of my 40 minute video.  I sent an email to them warning it would take one week for the video to arrive.  In that email I mentioned "Proof of Peace Economics" as an 11 page paper on my academia.edu website.


Nobel Peace Prize Watch, 3-19-16

On March 10th before 7am Europe time (midnight my time) suddenly 22 views came in from France.  To get that many views from any one country other than the US is extremely rare, even over the course of a year, much less an hour or so.  All 22 were labelled "home/archive" so I assumed the first was "home" and then went 21 months back in the archive months to July 2014.  Sure enough, that was the month I published "Proof of Peace Economics" and listed it for convenience on my wordpress.com website.  Unfortunately it was only a summary of the 11 page paper on academia.edu that really proves the accuracy of the Peace Economics concept beyond any shadow of doubt.  But it was very encouraging.  Sure enough, one of the five Norwegians on the Nobel Committee had been appointed Secretary General of the Council of Europe stationed in Strasburg France.  His name was Thorbjorn Jagland, a former Prime Minister of Norway and with economics as his major in college.  He must have been assigned to vet the Peace Economist, me.


10 Scientific Revolution Facts, 12-21-14

This book review of Thomas Kuhn's famous book highlights the key points I've personally found to be true in my work.  There are few paradigms in social science research and acceptance comes slowly and with much difficulty.  The world views of social scientists and engineers are very different.  When an engineer comes into the field with a revolutionary new perspective, that is empirically precise, it is hard for the social scientist to accept that work as the cornerstone work it truly is. https://bobreuschlein.wordpress.com/2014/12/21/10-scientific-revolution-facts/

Peace Econ: How I Did It, 6-21-14

Preparation Meets Opportunity in Peace Economics

The miracle of Peace Economics, this is the story of how it all happened thirty years ago, back in the eighties, as an up and coming politician in Eugene, Oregon.  I was a public interest group lobbyist for venture capital for small businesses staying in Salem, Oregon for the workweek.  It started with a brochure in the legendary Dorothy Patch's house.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. https://bobreuschlein.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/preparation-meets-opportunity/

Politician in Eugene Oregon, 5-14-14

I had many successes in party politics in the eighties, building a strong reputation in Eugene and the state of Oregon.  My Madison Wisconsin experience since 1993 has been a disappointment compared to that mildly famous situation.  With the Doctorate in 2009 and the Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 2016 my reputation worldwide is growing stronger as some peer reviewed work is slowly being added to my extensive portfolio of 145 press releases.


Grandpa Markham and the Horicon Marsh, 3-1-14

Grandpa Starts Horicon Marsh, Largest Cattail Marsh in the USA

I'm the sixth generation descended from Archbishop Markham of York who took office in 1776.  My grandfather was valedictorian of his Minnesota Law School class, and wrote poems including one about me.  His fame was as Horicon mayor, Wisconsin State Senator, and within 5000 votes of the Secretary of State of Wisconsin.  His legacy is the Horicon March dam project in his first year as State Senator 1927.  The family tree has British Admirals in it, and my mother had an American Admiral cousin.


Here are all eleven releases in the eighteen page collection:


Professor Robert Reuschlein, Dr. Peace

Nominated and vetted for the Nobel Peace Prize 2016 announced October 7



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Name: Dr. Robert W. Reuschlein
Title: Economics Professor
Group: Real Economy Institute
Dateline: Madison, WI United States
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