Home > NewsRelease > Sell Or Die From Jeffrey Gitomer ---- Sales Expert
Sell Or Die From Jeffrey Gitomer ---- Sales Expert
Jeffrey Gitomer  ---- Sales Expert Jeffrey Gitomer ---- Sales Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sell Or Diehttps://www.sellordiepodcast.comOfficial PodcastMon, 16 Aug 2021 18:42:16 +0000en-UShourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8How to Set Yourself Up for Success With a Strategic Year-End Sales Planhttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/strategic-sales-plan/Tue, 17 Aug 2021 00:00:02 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9795In this episode, we’ll discuss how you should be prepared to reach your end-of-year goals with daily, weekly and monthly strategic sales plans...

The post How to Set Yourself Up for Success With a Strategic Year-End Sales Plan appeared first on Sell Or Die.

strategic sales plan



How to Set Yourself Up for Success With a Strategic Year-End Sales Plan

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’ll discuss how you should be preparing to reach your end of year goals. The year is more than halfway through, now is the time to figure out a plan!

strategic sales plan

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

And today we are talking about the things you should be doing to reach your end of year goals! 

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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The New Normal

Recover as a Winner!

There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

Episode 498

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

Evaluate where you are

Since the year is over halfway through, now is a great time to look at all the things you’ve accomplished. This can be a reality check to some, but it’s so important to evaluate where you are and how far you have to go to reach your goals. 

Once you can take stock and figure out what you need to accomplish by the end of the year, you will be in a much better position to actually hit your target.

strategic sales plan

Don’t give up, make a plan

It’s important to reflect on everything that you’ve accomplished over the first half of the year. Write down all of the things that you are proud of, even if they seem trivial. All of your accomplishments contribute to your ultimate goal. 

If you notice that you’re far off from reaching your end of year goals, don’t panic! So often salespeople realize that they aren’t on track and they just give up. Don’t allow yourself to shut down, instead keep pushing towards what you want.  

Find out what you need to do to show up more effectively for your business. Think about the ways you can change how you work. Take the time to revisit your plan so that you’re very clear with the necessary steps you need to take. You’ll be way more successful if you break down the process into daily, weekly and monthly strategic sales plans. These are what will help you reach your overall yearly goals.

Plan ahead

When you plan your sales ahead of time, you can meet your goals so much faster. One of the best things you can do is planning to reach your goals before the end of the year (December) hits. 

When you can do this, you’ll achieve your goals prior to December, and then you can take that time off to vacation or spend a holiday with loved ones. It’s all in the way you map out your year. And just because the year is over halfway done, that doesn’t mean your goals aren’t still attainable. You still have so much time to hit your target – don’t give up!

How to Set Yourself Up for Success With a Strategic Year-End Sales Plan: The Bottomline

The reality is, the year is over halfway through! For some salespeople, that may be a hard truth to come to terms with, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s important to take a look at all that you’ve accomplished in the first six months and evaluate where you stand in relation to where you want to be by the end of the year. Think about the daily, weekly and monthly strategic sales plans that will help you reach all your end of year goals. If you set the plan up properly you’ll be able to still reach your goals and hopefully have some time off to relax. 

Be sure to listen to all of episode 562 for more details on how to prepare to reach your year end goals.

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you understand the importance of planning so you can accomplish your goals by the end of this year. 

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post How to Set Yourself Up for Success With a Strategic Year-End Sales Plan appeared first on Sell Or Die.

]]>Celebrating 500 Consecutive Days of Facebook Live: The Power Behind Consistency and Showing up on Videohttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/consistency/Tue, 03 Aug 2021 00:00:22 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9747In this episode, I (Jen Gitomer) am interviewing Jeffrey about his most recent milestone. We are talking about content consistency and the lessons learned...

The post Celebrating 500 Consecutive Days of Facebook Live: The Power Behind Consistency and Showing up on Video appeared first on Sell Or Die.




Celebrating 500 Consecutive Days of Facebook Live: The Power Behind Consistency and Showing up on Video

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, I (Jen Gitomer) am interviewing Jeffrey about his most recent milestone, hitting 500 consecutive Facebook lives!In the episode, we’ll discuss how he was able to do Facebook lives consistently and the lessons learned from the process.


But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

And today we are talking about content consistency and the lessons learned from completing 500 Facebook lives!

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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The New Normal

Recover as a Winner!

There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

Episode 498

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

Why consistency is important

As an entrepreneur, consistency is what will help you create success for your business. Jeffrey made a commitment to do his Facebook live at the same time everyday. He took this commitment very seriously and didn’t miss a single day. 

One of the ways Jeffrey was able to be so consistent is because he went in with the mindset and intention to do the live no matter what. Jeffrey had times where it was inconvenient, but he never let the conflicts stop him from fulfilling what he said he was going to do.


What Jeffrey learned

Throughout this process Jeffrey learned that creating video content especially doing a live on Facebook isn’t as easy or simple as it sounds. It’s not just about logging into Facebook and talking, you really have to have a good setup that’s going to support a quality video and show for your audience. 

The Facebook live had people tuning in from all over the world, this was a really awesome experience to see people come together all on one live. Jeffrey learned that it doesn’t matter where the person is from, we all have very similar needs and desires. People are way more alike than you would think. This was something that was really eye opening to see.

Recommendations from Jeffrey

Facebook lives came from a place of wanting to help people. Jeffrey started it because he wanted to help others and also because he really enjoyed doing it. It was a really cool way to meet more people all around the world and create new relationships. 

If you are thinking about doing something similar to a Facebook live, you should really try to find topics that your audience will be interested in. People want to tune into content that will provide value and insight into the topics they care about. If you have enough knowledge and experience in the topics you’re talking about you really shouldn’t have any trouble creating new content. 

The best way to be successful with your business is to make sure that you are being consistent with whatever you set out to do!

Celebrating 500 Consecutive Days of Facebook Live: The Power Behind Consistency and Showing up on Video: The Bottomline

Consistency creates success. If you are consistent in the things you do for your business you will become successful. Jeffrey learned a lot from his consistency with his Facebook live. He hit 500 consecutive episodes because he went into it with the right mindset and kept his commitment. With anything you do as an entrepreneur, you have to make sure that if you make a commitment you follow through.

Be sure to listen to all of episode 561 for more details on consistency is so important in business.

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you understand the importance of planning for your sales deadlines and how impactful a going away gift can be to a prospective client. 

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post Celebrating 500 Consecutive Days of Facebook Live: The Power Behind Consistency and Showing up on Video appeared first on Sell Or Die.

]]>Struggle and Success: An Inspiring Family Business Story with Doug Winghttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/business-success/Tue, 27 Jul 2021 00:00:38 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9693In this episode, we will be sharing Doug’s experience working with his successful father Hal Wing and their secrets to business success...

The post Struggle and Success: An Inspiring Family Business Story with Doug Wing appeared first on Sell Or Die.

business success



Struggle and Success: An Inspiring Family Business Story with Doug Wing

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’re joined by the highly talented Doug Wing. Doug has over 40 years of experience in manufacturing, operations, sales, sales leadership and executive management. He was the co-owner and Vice Chairman at Little Giant Ladder Systems before retiring in 2019. Doug worked alongside his highly successful father Hal Wing for 45 years.Doug Wing’s success story is one that shows why determination and drive is so critical in the sales industry. Doug will talk about the road to success and the things Hal Wing taught him about business.

business success

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

It’s time to sell or die…

And today we will be sharing Doug’s experience working with his successful father Hal Wing, and how they were able to build a highly successful business.

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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The New Normal

Recover as a Winner!

There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

Episode 498

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

Doug and Hal’s journey to success

Doug was born in Schwaigern, Germany but was raised in Utah to a close-knit family. His father was working in insurance when he learned of a new opportunity. This opportunity was the little giant ladder and he took its design and idea to build a successful business. 

Selling these ladders during a tanking economy in the 1970’s was not an easy task. That didn’t matter to Hal, he had an incredible amount of drive and dedication to make sales. Hal never gave up, even when people questioned his path and laughed at him he kept the faith and believed that he would become successful. Doug’s dad spent 300 days a year on the road and that dedication is what helped him succeed. Doug saw first hand the drive it took for his dad to build a strong company. 

Doug learned a ton about the best ways to make sales. The two most important things Hal used to emphasis to his salespeople including Doug was:

  • You can tell the customer anything you want as long as it’s the truth. Hal believed making sales always needed to be done ethically and honestly. Hal valued relationships and building relationships is based on trust so it was important for each salesperson to be honest and upfront with their customer even when other competitors aren’t.
  • In meetings with distributors or vendors Hal would say if it’s not a good deal for everyone at the table it’s not a good deal. Hal believed it was important for everyone involved in the deal to get their fair share. 

Doug’s dad wasn’t afraid to take financial risks, the company put their product on an Infomercial even when it was extremely pricey to do so. The risk paid off; the infomercial was an overnight success and the money that Hal had on the line was made and then some. 

Doug was able to take everything he learned from his father and implement it into his position at the company. He saw first hand the ways his father developed strong relationships with customers and business associates.

business success

Lessons learned

Doug learned to be a strong salesperson from working alongside his dad. Doug prioritizes relationships and takes a genuine interest in other people. Doug knows how to listen to people and cater to their needs and that is something that pushes people to do business with him.

Doug’s father was someone who had a strong confidence in himself. He wasn’t arrogant or rude but he had a genuine belief that he could succeed which is another thing he passed along to Doug. The confidence and drive led them through really challenging times financially in their business. They never stopped believing in their abilities.

More to come

Doug has a book coming out called Giant Success and this book is going to be diving into the core principles and values of Hal Wing. This book will talk about the specific things that made Hal Wing so successful and a special businessman. One of the most important things talked about in the book is the way Hal treated people and his employees. Doug learned to be a giver from his father who he describes as the ultimate giver who loved people and his employees above all else. Doug learned one of the keys to his fathers success over the years was the dedication to helping his employees grow as individuals. 

More information about the book is on Dougwing.com.

Struggle and Success: An Inspiring Family Business Story with Doug Wing: The Bottomline

Building a business is not an easy thing to accomplish. Doug Wing’s success story is one that shows why determination and drive is so critical in the sales industry. Doug’s road to success was guided by his father Hal Wing. Hal taught him about how to run a business and how to treat people. Doug was able to learn so much from working alongside his father and he implemented what he learned in every position he had at the company. 

Be sure to listen to all of episode 560 for more details on Doug and Hal’s business journey and their secrets to success. 

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you to transform the way you view the challenges you face along your journey to success so that you can win your customers all the way to the bank.

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

You can connect more with Doug over on his website and on Instagram.

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post Struggle and Success: An Inspiring Family Business Story with Doug Wing appeared first on Sell Or Die.

The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned and Enjoying the Ride with James Wedmorehttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/journey-to-success/Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:00:18 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9640In the episode, we’ll be sharing James’ experience of what it takes to move forward in your journey to success and how you can become a better person...

The post The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned and Enjoying the Ride with James Wedmore appeared first on Sell Or Die.

journey to success



The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned and Enjoying the Ride with James Wedmore

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’re revisiting a very eye-opening discussion about the entrepreneurial journey with James Wedmore. Whether you’re looking into starting a business or growing your existing business, this is going to be the message for you!James Wedmore has been teaching entrepreneurs and online business owners for over ten years how to leverage the power of online video and YouTube marketing to reach more people, share their message and convert more customers. Plus, James is the host of The Mind Your Business Podcast, where he talks all about the mindset shifts needed in entrepreneurship, and the brains behind his signature program, Business By Design.

journey to success

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

It’s time to sell or die…

And today we will be sharing James’ experience of what it really takes to move forward in your journey to success and how you can become a better person from overcoming your obstacles.

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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The New Normal

Recover as a Winner!

There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

Episode 498

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

James’ journey to success as a business owner

It all began with a flat tire in front of a bartending school that led James down the path he never expected. He ended up earning his bartending certification from that school and started a business contracting his bartending services for private parties & events. One day, James came to the realization that in order to grow his business, he had to start teaching others the same skills he was using in bartending.

Starting a bartender coaching business helped James develop the marketing and sales strategies needed in his online business. And before long, people began seeking James out for advice on how to use videos in digital marketing for their own businesses. This was back in 2008 when video marketing was not as prominent as it is now, and it prompted James to begin diving into the world of YouTube video marketing.

This new concept of using video in the online business world led James down the most important journey he would ever take. He began creating online courses and memberships in order to help people learn how to make videos, but he knew there was so much more to building a successful business. Thus, in 2016, James started a podcast all about the other business strategies needed to make an impact on the world.

journey to success

Narrow down your audience to increase your following

When James released his podcast, he was struck with the most fear he had ever experienced in his career. He made a major shift in his niche from the friendly “tech guy” to the business savvy entrepreneur, and this presented an obvious contrast in comparison to his current (& very extensive) email list and YouTube following based solely on video tips & tricks. James would instead be sharing the deeper inner work that he needed to grow his business. 

If he didn’t share that new message beyond just video content, James knew he would be holding back many of the important secrets in his journey to success. So he released his podcast and his following quickly decreased, but his business began growing exponentially! Seriously, James’ name comes up more than once a day in our office. He’s basically a messiah in the entrepreneurial space now.

He really achieved this status by staying true to himself in what made a difference in his business and sharing his journey with others. And to some extent, James doesn’t believe that he should be at this level of success at all. People wouldn’t recognize him 10 to 12 years ago, when he was 70 pounds heavier and had horribly low confidence. But his own journey to success is also why James can identify with his target audience and tell them, “If I can do this, anybody can.”

Get comfortable with the idea of being uncomfortable

James has a lot of nostalgia for the beginner CEO hustle, where you’re just trying to figure everything out and you don’t even know what’s going to happen. So an important takeaway for anybody listening who is just starting a business, trying to work through your pain points or simply down to your last dime is this: Fall in love with this time. Honor this time of struggle and chaos, because when you get to your final destination, you will look back and long for that struggle to some extent.

Really, the journey is what makes the destination as great as it is.

Your success is not measured in dollar signs

When comparing business journeys between James and us, we’ve all invested our last dollars to our names in ourselves. If you’re willing to make that investment in yourself and your future, then you’re welcoming the next steps toward your success. If you are not willing to do that, you need to do the inner work to get there first.

James words the mistaken belief that you need money to transform as “conditional operating.” This is when you let your current circumstances dictate which decisions and which actions you take toward your future. You may think it’s money or time or knowledge or support that is holding you back from taking the next step. But remember that it’s your job as an entrepreneur to see what others can’t see and feel what they can’t feel in order to hold onto your vision. 

Let your past and present moment guide you toward your future, but don’t allow your past to determine your future. When you stay focused on the things that have already happened, you repeat your past. That’s why most people stay stuck. 

How can you do the opposite instead? Focus on your next objective or milestone. Then take on the persona of your next level self. Claim the mindset of that business owner making $20K a month. Begin operating, thinking, acting, making decisions and taking actions like that version of yourself. The more you do that, the more you align your actions with the results you desire.

So, diehards, make all decisions based on the person you want to become, not what happened in your past.

Don’t wait for others to stroke your ego

It’s time for the hard truth. Not everyone in your life is going to believe in your vision. And ultimately, you should see that as an opportunity to challenge their perspectives. All you need is your belief in yourself, and the good news is, it doesn’t matter if anyone else believes in you, your vision, your business, your goals, whatever.

You have the chance to choose how you interpret that lack of belief. In James’ case, when he started his business, he moved back with his parents. A lot of his friends laughed at him for that, but that only pushed him to think, “I can’t wait to prove them wrong. I cannot wait to laugh at them when I show them how wrong they were.”

Spiritual energy is just as important as concrete strategy

We all have some of our own “woo” strategies, as James likes to refer to them. He implemented a few into his business in around 2016. He defines “woo” as putting a spiritual or energetic spin on our life experiences, recognizing that there is more to life than meets the eye and what we experience is not all of reality. Simply stated, “woo” is the idea that “shit happens for a reason” and that hard work leads to more positive outcomes in your life.

The biggest benefit James has found in including “woo” in both his personal and professional lives is that it gives you an outside perspective of your circumstances. After all, we as humans are naturally inclined to find peace in assuming things happen for a reason. Instead of saying that you just can’t get a break or that all these bad things keep happening to you, you can focus on the lessons offered by each personal experience. And the only reason that you don’t have the goal, you don’t have the revenue, you don’t have the thing that you want is because you haven’t learned the lesson yet. 

In fact, one of the most life-changing realizations for James was triggered by a quote about how life is always rigged in your favor. So even in the darkest of times or the worst of problems, you know that this is happening to you for a reason that’s here to serve you.

When life feels tough, keep moving forward

It can be a challenge trying to find the good in your day-to-day struggles. If you’re going through a hard time right now and you’re not sure how to maintain a positive outlook despite the obstacles you are facing, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Instead of asking problem-oriented questions like, “Why is this happening to me,” ask outcome-oriented questions like, “What is this here to teach me? What is the lesson for me? Where’s the good in this?” 
  2. If you run any type of coaching business, remember that the problems you go through will help you be better equipped to help your ideal clients.
  3. Remember that pain is not a problem. Pain is the symptom. Don’t try to suppress it with a quick fix, but stay solution-focused to find the source of your struggle. If you understand the reason behind your pain, then you have a shot at coming up with the cure or the process that will take it away.

The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned and Enjoying the Ride with James Wedmore: The Bottomline

As a starting entrepreneur or business owner, you may already have a strong grasp on your goals. But have you put just as much thought into the journey that lies ahead of you? As ambitious diehards, we often focus on our end goals instead of the experience as a whole. If you take nothing else away from this episode, leave with the intent to shift your mindset and view your pain points as vital pieces to your success. And like James said, if he can do it, you can too!

Be sure to listen to all of episode 559 for more details on how to make the most of your journey to success as an entrepreneur.

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you to transform the way you view the challenges you face along your journey to success so that you can win your customers all the way to the bank.

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

You can connect more with James over on his website and on Instagram or Facebook.

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned and Enjoying the Ride with James Wedmore appeared first on Sell Or Die.

Competition in Sales: What to Do If Everyone Else Is Making Sales and You’re Nothttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/sales-competition/Tue, 13 Jul 2021 00:00:35 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9604In this episode, we will share our top tips on how to deal with sales competition if you feel like everyone else is making sales and you’re not...

The post Competition in Sales: What to Do If Everyone Else Is Making Sales and You’re Not appeared first on Sell Or Die.

sales competition



Competition in Sales: What to Do If Everyone Else Is Making Sales and You're Not

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’re discussing what to do if you feel like everyone else is making sales and you’re not.

sales competition

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

And today we will share our top tips on how to deal with sales competition as well as what to do when you feel it’s almost as if everyone else is making sales except you.  

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

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Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

If you’re not making sales, is it because of outside circumstances, or is it because of you?

If you find yourself in a position where you’re making barely any sales, yet it seems as if everyone else is, you have to ask yourself a few questions. You may wonder things like, “Maybe it’s the market?”, “Maybe it’s the price”, “Or, even maybe it’s the product?” 

Well, we’re here to tell you the truth. And the truth, you probably don’t want to hear, but need to.

The reality is – you’re not making sales because of you. Not the outside circumstances, not the external factors, just you. 

And the best thing you can do if you find yourself in this situation is 2 things. 

1 – Stop worrying about everything and everybody else. Worry about you. Take responsibility for yourself. 

2 – Go back to one of the best sales memories you have. Capture that moment. How did you feel? Relive it, tap into that belief, and then go back out there. 

Not only is everyone else making sales, so WILL YOU. And you’re going to go make even more sales than the competition! Believe that.

sales competition

If you have a losing mentality, you’re going to lose.

While your ability to make sales matters, your mindset is just as important. If your mindset is in the gutter and you’re beating yourself up for not making sales, of course you’re not going to see any progress being made. 

If you’re drowning in a negative headspace, all you’re going to do is attract more negative. 

Instead, pull yourself out of this mindset and start telling yourself you’re going to win. Believe it. Put yourself in a winning position mentally and then physically it’ll happen. Mindset is key! 

Competition in Sales: What to Do If Everyone Else Is Making Sales and You're Not: The Bottomline

We want to wrap this up with a challenge, we challenge you that no matter whether your sales are up or down – remember your job is to remain consistent. Remain consistently on the upward slope.

Take responsibility for who you are, deepen your belief in that, and execute. Once you do that, you’re going to win.

Be sure to listen to all of episode 558 for more details on what to do if it feels as if everyone else is making sales and you’re not. 

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you understand how critical it is to believe in yourself and take responsibility for your actions when it comes to making more sales.

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post Competition in Sales: What to Do If Everyone Else Is Making Sales and You’re Not appeared first on Sell Or Die.

Be Proactive and Prepare to Avoid Sales Stress During the Holidayshttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/sales-stress/Tue, 06 Jul 2021 00:00:02 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9567In this episode, we are focusing on what you need to do around the holidays as a salesperson to avoid having sales stress and meet your deadlines...

The post Be Proactive and Prepare to Avoid Sales Stress During the Holidays appeared first on Sell Or Die.

sales stress



Be Proactive and Prepare to Avoid Sales Stress During the Holidays

In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’re discussing a topic salespeople have struggled with and complained about for years - making sales around holidays. In the episode, we’ll go over the importance of persistence and planning around holidays and something you can do to make a lasting impression on your prospective customers.

sales stress

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community. 

Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank. 

And today we are focusing on what you need to do around the holidays as a salesperson to avoid having sales stress and meet your deadlines. 

For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform.

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Recover as a Winner!

There are specific, measured, and NEW actions to understand, put into action and MASTER. This course is your game plan to do all three and bank the results. 

What you’ll get:

  • A complete understanding – element by element – of the New Normal to help you connect with the correct message
  • Easy to understand and implement mastery plan and action steps for each element
  • Resources for every new aspect of the New Normal – special emphasis on virtual

Post Pandemic Productivity & Profitability

Hard Trends, Soft Trends, and Predicting the Future of the Coronavirus with Daniel Burrus

Episode 498

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation.
The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker. In this episode we
discuss the coronavirus pandemic and how it impacts you.



Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about.

This personal challenge e-book describes the personal evolution necessary to become a super-star.

Stop giving up so easily

If you are a salesperson and are trying to make sales during a holiday you need to have persistence. There are so many salespeople who complain about not being able to generate sales during a holiday but give up way too easily. 

Just because there are less people around does not mean that there isn’t anyone to sell to. If you are calling a couple times and aren’t getting responses don’t just give up, keep trying to make contact. 

If you quit too soon you don’t know what sale you could be missing out on. You might be able to get into contact with someone who you can’t normally reach due to the gatekeepers in the office. Take this time to try to reach whoever is there and make new connections. 

sales stress

Are you planning for your sales deadlines?

If you are leaving your sales deadlines for a holiday week then you could be setting yourself for failure. It can be super challenging to make your deadlines during the holidays because of people vacationing so if you are waiting until the last minute to reach your deadline you are not properly planning. 

You should be planning out your sales around the holidays. By planning out the holidays in advance you can write out your deadlines all before the holiday hits so you can meet with people before they go away. 

To help manage sales stress you can also plan return meetings with customers for after the holidays. This way you won’t be worried because you have a set schedule and know where your next potential sale is coming from. 

Note: If you really don’t have any prospective clients that you can meet with, it may be a good time to take advantage of the break and go on your own vacation!

Send a gift

One of the most impactful things you can do when a prospective client is leaving for a vacation is send a gift. If you know someone is going away, take the time to give them a going away present that will show the customer you care. This shows you are thinking about them and are making a connection in a genuine way. 

If you can send a going away gift this will help you to stand out from other salespeople and help you foster a relationship that will leave a lasting impression on the customer. They will remember the gift you got them and are way more likely to follow up with you when they get back into the office. 

The best kind of gift you can send is something that you know the customer would actually want. This way you are showing that you are thinking of what they want and not just sending them a t-shirt with your company logo. Instead try to send something more personable that’s still appropriate and from the perspective of something the customer would actually want and use. 

Be Proactive and Prepare to Avoid Sales Stress During the Holidays: The Bottomline

Making sales around the holidays can be tough but it’s not impossible. You may have to be more persistent than you’re used to but if you keep at it you could make new client connections. If you are someone who is leaving all of their sales deadlines to the very last minute you may want to re-evaluate your planning skills. 

Instead of waiting until the last minute to plan your sales meetings, start planning them before the holiday comes up. This will keep you on a better track for reaching your sales goals. A personable gift is something that can go a long way and make a huge impression on a prospective client. 

You want to be doing everything you can to stand out from the crowd and this will set you apart from your competition.

Be sure to listen to all of episode 557 for more details on why persistence and planning is so important when it comes to meeting sales deadlines around the holidays.

Thank you so much for listening to Sell or Die! We hope that this episode helped you understand the importance of planning for your sales deadlines and how impactful a going away gift can be to a prospective client. 

If you enjoyed this episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps us help more people just like you make a difference in this world! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us @jeffreygitomer and @jengitomer. See you next week!

About your hosts

Known as the King of Sales, Jeffrey Gitomer is the Author of 16 best-selling books including the Little Red Book of Selling, the Sales Bible, and his newest book Get Sh*t Done. In 2008, he was inducted in the Speakers Hall of Fame – the highest award in the speaking industry. His world-class list of clients include companies from  Fortune 500 companies around the world. His digital Learning academy and signature course, The Seven-Figure Sales Formula, offers individuals and teams real-world sales strategies they can implement immediately.

Jen Gitomer gained her prowess in NYC as both a salesperson and award-winning sales leader for a Fortune 500 company. She is the best-selling Author of Sales in a New York Minute, CEO and Founder of Breakthrough Business Babe and a master business growth coach.

Jeffrey and Jen thank you, Diehard, for helping Sell Or Die achieve more than 2 million downloads!

Thanks for Listening!

The post Be Proactive and Prepare to Avoid Sales Stress During the Holidays appeared first on Sell Or Die.

Facts and Figures Are Forgotten, Storytelling Is the Key to Making More Saleshttps://www.sellordiepodcast.com/storytelling/Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:00:30 +0000https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/?p=9554In this episode, we’re discussing how storytelling can be one of the most impactful ways to make a sale.

The post Facts and Figures Are Forgotten, Storytelling Is the Key to Making More Sales appeared first on Sell Or Die.

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