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Swift Sword: The True Story of the Marines of MIKE 3/5 in Vietnam
Doyle Glass  -- History to Life Doyle Glass -- History to Life
Dallas, TX
Monday, April 24, 2023

#1 Bestseller in 20th Century World History- - #1 Bestseller in Vietnam War History

"A true Vietnam War story of epic courage and brotherhood in the face of insurmountable odds that will leave you on the edge of your seat."

Dallas, TX—September 4, 1967, marks a gruesome and terrifying day for U.S. Marine soldiers stationed in Vietnam. Based on 50 interviews with veterans, author Doyle Glass conveys what it was really like on the front lines of Operation Swift in the newest edition of his novel: Swift Sword: The True Story of the Marines of Mike 3/5 in Vietnam, 4 September 1967. This exploration of this operation comes from firsthand experiences and extensive research, culminating in a book that truly shows the impact of war as well as the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers. 

"As someone with over a dozen combat vets in my family, I salute Doyle Glass for honoring the men whose Vietnam War stories are told in 'Swift Sword.' Riveting tales of heroism as well as a tribute to all who have sacrificed." —Brad Butler, Author of 'Without Redemption' & 'A World Flight Over Russia'

Operation Swift was a military operation intended to be a rescue mission of fellow Marines under siege by North Vietnamese troops. It resulted in a ruthless battle between Mike 3/5 Marines and the NVA, leaving 127 US Marines and Navy Corpsmen as well as approximately 600 PAVN (North Vietnamese Army) troops dead. Doyle Glass details the beginning of this 11-day operation in Swift Sword by recounting what the Marines witnessed, quoting their own words. Their accounts are shocking, brutal, and most importantly, very real. 

"This is probably as close as one can get to reliving the terror of up-close personal combat without actually being there. I served in Vietnam with H 2/5 in An Hoa. I found the book a truthful recounting of what intense combat is like. The confusion, fear, stress, and heroics that this book describes so well, informs me that these personal accounts come from the ingrained memory that resides inside every one of these survivors." —Larry D., Vietnam Veteran

Doyle Glass writes, "From 2008 to 2011, I conducted forty-nine personal interviews of Marine veterans of Swift, spoke with friends and families of veterans, reviewed twelve after-action reports of the battle of September 4, 1967, and read numerous accounts on the battles in Vietnam's Qu? Son Valley. This included a visit to Vietnam in 2009 as well as an interview with a veteran of the NVA command." In addition to the accounts from Marine veterans, Doyle fills the book with detailed research on the operation, including maps, photos, and a glossary of military terms. For anyone interested in military history, this book provides an unparalleled look into Operation Swift. 

"Another aspect of Glass's informed, historically accurate book that underscores its importance is the superb Glossary of terms used in the Vietnam War - Agent Orange, ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam), I Corps, etc, definitions, events, and facts at book's end, in addition to the many photographs of the soldiers and the battle itself. But the impact of Glass's revised version of his original 2014 book now intensifies the respect for the veterans who fought and endured, some physically surviving and others now only extant in memory for the loss of their lives." —Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 Hall of Fame Reviewer

Swift Sword emphasizes the strength, courage, and sacrifice of the men that fought in Vietnam, presented in a way that honors their legacy and memorializes those who didn't make it back. In its portrayal of the horrors of war, this book is an unforgettable reminder that these are real people and what they experienced is unbelievable. For anyone who is interested in military history and combat, this book is a must-read. 

Watch a video about Doyle Glass at https://bit.ly/40CrRbZ

Swift Sword: The True Story of the Marines of Mike 3/5 in Vietnam, 4 September 1967, ISBN: 979-8986031606, $15.99 Paperback, $8.99 Kindle, 296 Pages, Coleche Press, 2023. Available on Amazon. For more information visit: www.doyleglass.com https://www.facebook.com/doyleglassauthorhttps://www.instagram.com/doyle_glass_author/

About Doyle Glass: He is an author, historian, and sculptor dedicated to honoring those who fought for freedom. He is a master at recounting true stories of brave men and women who were outnumbered and out-gunned but continued to battle toe-to-toe with ferocious opponents in war. Doyle Glass was born in Midland, Texas among the fifth generation of a pioneer ranching family who was raised with an appreciation for hard work, adventure, and honor. After earning degrees in history and law from Southern Methodist University, he completed law school and worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Texas. Later, he served as Assistant Attorney General in Kentucky, prosecuting some of the worst violent crimes in the state. In 2000, Glass turned to the arts as a way to tell stories of his childhood heroes.

He conceived and sculpted a bronze statue of John Squires, who braved enemy fire to save others during WWII and received the Medal of Honor. The statue stands in downtown Louisville, Kentucky as a reminder of the sacrifices made by local citizens who fought and died for freedom. In 2008, Glass designed and sculpted the Texas Medal of Honor Memorial, dedicated to George O'Brien who earned the Medal of Honor during the Korean War. The memorial stands at the International Artillery Museum in Saint Jo, Texas as a symbol recognizing those who earned America's highest award for combat valor. Besides writing and sculpting, Glass' greatest pride is being a loving husband and father to his wife and three children where they reside in Dallas, Texas.

Media Contact: For a review copy of Swift Sword or to arrange an interview with Doyle Glass, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Reach Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist

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Group: Westwind Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
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