Tuesday, November 2, 2021
But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Sell or Die Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jeffrey & Jen Gitomer. Between the two of us, we’ve written the books The Little Red Book of Selling, Sales in a New York Minute, plus 15 other best-selling books. We’ve also created the 7 figure sales formula program and the Breakthrough Business Babe Community.
Sell or Die is for sales professionals, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to sell more at full price, earn loyalty, and have an unlimited stream of referrals. Every single episode will give you real-world, easy-to-implement solutions so that you can get your calls returned, your proposals read and acted on while creating relationships that you can take to the bank.
And today, it’s time to examine our surroundings as we fight to Sell or Die. While it’s easy to ASSUME that you’re surrounding yourself with people that are supporting you and pushing towards your goals, that may not be the case.
For more details, listen to the ENTIRE episode 569 on your favorite streaming platform.