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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
The Privacy Rights Council
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About: The problem is privacy standards in the USA are broken and out of date. We advocate worldwide standards -- like the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will be legally required on May 25, 2018 -- it will affect most internet sites that are available in the UK and Europe. Our impact is better policy to serve the interests of all internet users, our members and
Preston Rideout -- Dram Shop Expert
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About: Preston Rideout is a Nightclub and Bar Expert with 25 years of experience, 75 Alcohol Safety Certifications, and over 100 clients across the United States. He is a highly sought-after Nightclub and Bar Consultant and is widely considered the most experienced Dram Shop Expert in the legal industry. Preston is CEO of Rideout Hospitality and Founder of The Dram Shop Experts. Clients retain Preston to provide insight into Responsible Alcohol Service, Intoxication Identification, Industry Standard Bar Operations, Bartender Training, Security Use of Force, Nightclub Negligence, and Liquor Liability.
Peggy Sands Orchowski -- Immigration Expert
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About: Margaret (Peggy Sands) Orchowski has covered immigration reform on Capitol Hill as a Congressional Journalist since 2005, as the Bill Analysis Editor for Congressional Quarterly, a Congressional Correspondent and for the Hispanic Outlook magazine. Since 2016 she also is the Senior Correspondent for The Georgetowner newspaper writing under the byline Peggy Sands. With the timely publication of her latest book 'The Law That Changed the Face of America: The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965' (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), she is available for speaking engagements, as a go-to expert reporter and for writing articles that give sensible and thoughtful background about today's hot issues on immigration such as DREAMERS, DACA and foreign students.
Beth Ann Blackwood -- Author of 'Moving Forward Looking Back'
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About: Moving Forward, Looking Back is essentially two stories in one: Beth Ann and Tom’s meeting, marriage, and life together, and Beth Ann’s experience during the first year after Tom’s death. Each chapter begins in the present and then reveals some of the past, so that the full story of their lives together is formed by the end of the book. The reader sees them come together but also lose each othe...
Scott M. Haskins -- Art Conservation-Restoration, Pets and Heirlooms, Art Damage
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About: Scott M. Haskins is a internationally renowned professional art conservator whose opinion is often sought and who is often featured in all the media types nationwide. He is an expert witness/legal testimony on art related insurance matters/claims and on private law suits. His clients include the Los Angeles Supreme Court system and the federal government. Mr. Haskins has worked in both Europe and the U.S. as a professional art conservator since 1975. He is the author of the awarded 'Save Your Stuff' series, written to assist the public protect and save valuable possessions from disasters and emergencies. He is a public speaker and conducts webinars, fundraisers, membership drives, docent trainings, seminars and just for entertainment based on the subject of his 4 books and on his other professional activities. -- Experts at Finding Technical Experts
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About: CECON sources industry's best Business, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Consultants quickly, credibly and economically to address your technical or business need. Project Managers who are technically trained conduct a custom search and leverage the CECON proprietary network of consultants to locate, vet with Clients, and recommend technical experts for your consideration. We highly value rapid response, quick turnaround, and all efforts to shorten business and project timetables.
Holland Cooke -- Talk Radio Expert
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About: ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...

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