About: With a career spanning the Dow Jones 30, The White House, and our nation's top universities, Dr. Joe Sutherland has attracted clients such as Canva, Goldman Sachs, GlaxoSmithKline, Cisco, and Fulcrum Equity Partners. Sutherland founded Emory University’s Center for AI Learning, where he is the principal investigator for the U.S. AI Safety Institute, established by President Biden to lead the U.S. agenda for AI. He is the bestselling author of Analytics the Right Way: A Business Leader's Guide to Putting Data to Productive Use. Joe can discuss: What AI actually is, and what it isn't; Why the stories you hear from big tech are only half true; How to avoid the common trap of delegating incisive business thought to machines; Why you can’t always trust what your vendors and consultants tell you about AI; Predictions for AI in 2025 (topics: stocks, economy, jobs, culture, education, workplace, national security, regulation, innovation).