About: The Institute of Management Consultant USA (IMC USA) is a 53-year certifying body and diverse membership organization. IMC USA helps management consultants startup, scale up and sustain their practices through community, professional development and visibility. IMC USA is a founding member of an international federation, The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes comprised of 50 countries, 64,000 consultants and 8,200 certified members. The Certified Management Consultant® credential is recognized and respected globally as a mark of professionalism, competency and ethical standards. The CMC® communicates to clients that you are a trusted, knowledgeable, confident and valued resource to help achieve their goals.
About: Alan Weiss, Ph.D., is one of the most highly regarded independent consultants in the country, according to the New York Post. He is the author of the best-selling Million Dollar Consulting (McGraw-Hill), as well as 60 other books appearing in 12 languages. He is the only non-journalist ever awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Press Institute, and is one of only two people in history named as a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consulting and as a member of the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.
Since 1757, the U.S. Army War College has prepared senior military leaders for service at the national and international level in war and peace: Eisenhower, Patton, Halsey, Bradley, Schwarzkopf & o...
About: Ethics expert Dr. Christopher Bauer's training as a clinical psychologist gives him a unique perspective on how individuals manage matters of ethics. It also allows him to provide equally unique commentary and analysis. As a speaker, seminar leader and consultant, he helps individuals and organizations make more ethically-informed decisions while maximizing their bottom line. Bauer Ethics Seminars provides keynotes, breakouts, seminars, retreats, and consultation. Each helps individuals, teams and organizations take effective responsibility for 'walking the talk' of ethical behavior as well as improving their bottom line through improved leadership and management skills.
About: Elevate your career from an unknown to a distinguished expert through: How to be a Media Magnet. Discover Rose Lee's Award Winning approach to a dynamic interview. Reveal your talents and skills to light up the airwaves and create a lasting impression: Documented research reports the delivery of a television interview impacts an audience based on 7% content, 38% voice and 55% body language. Featured expert guests on the Rose Lee Archer Show expand expert advice to our viewers.
About: Dorian (aka Dori) Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D.,BCC, is a Licensed Psychologist, Board Certified Coach and Retirement Expert. She provides Speaking, Workshop Facilitation, Psychotherapy, Career, Life and Retirement Transition Coaching, Couples Relationship Coaching and Executive Coaching. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and the Life Planning Network. She is a sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. She's been featured on The Today Show, ABC Evening News and NPR as well as in a variety of media such as the WSJ, NYTimes, USAToday, Washington Post, Forbes.com and the Fiscal Times. She facilitates workshops and speaks to community and professional groups on topics such as the changing landscape of retirement, mid-life issues for individuals and couples, psychology of money, spirituality, and positive psychology/positive aging. She is co-author of The Couple's Retirement Puzzle: 10 Must-Have Conversations for Creating an Amazing New Life Together and a contributor to a number of additional books.
About: ERGO is a non-profit research group studying the subtleties and complexities of euthanasia (help with a good death) so it can be carefully carried out as and when the law permits. Journalist and author Humphry has campaigned since l978 for a dying person's right to medical assisted suicide, also self-deliverance if no lawful means is available to a terminally ill adult who is of sound mind. He became involved in the right-to-die issue when he published 'Jean's Way' -- an account of helping his dying first wife to bring her life to a peaceful end. Derek Humphry (president), who founded the original Hemlock Society in l980, also authored the bestseller how-to suicide guide, Final Exit, which sells in 12 languages. In 2017 Humphry published his life story 'Good Life, Good Death: The Memoir of a Right to Die Pioneer' (Carrel Books, NY)
About: Patrick Byrne, an alumnus of Dartmouth College, Stanford University, and Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar, is a seasoned entrepreneur and visionary. Mentored by Warren Buffett, Byrne's diverse ventures span real estate to blockchain, and he boasts 20 years as an E-Commerce pioneer at Overstock.com. Recognized as the 'National Entrepreneur of the Year' (2011) and with his firm honored as 'One of America's Most Trusted Firms' by Forbes, Byrne's journey also includes a legendary battle against Wall Street manipulators preceding the 2008 Financial Crisis. Beyond his business achievements, Byrne unveils a second life intertwined with the United States Government.
About: Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, the Biographer of Woody Williams, the Last WWII Medal of Honor Recipient and author of FLAMETHROWER. Dr. Rigg is a recipient of the 2002 William E. Colby award for his work Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale earning honors in History; the university subsequently awarded him the Henry Fellowship to study at Cambridge University where he received his MA and PhD. Since then, he has written five acclaimed books on World War II and the Holocaust and his newest title, Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age.
About: About the author: Ishi Nobu is a brilliant independent scholar & guru who conveys his deep comprehension of Nature and reality. These efforts are displayed in his comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Nature, human endeavor, and spirituality. His previous books: The Red Pill: Mastering The Matrix; Clarity: The Path Inside; Unraveling Reality: Behind the Veil of Existence; and the 8-book Spokes of the Wheel cycle: The Science of Existence, The Web of Life, The Elements of Evolution, The Ecology of Humans, The Echoes of The Mind, The Fruits of Civilization, The Pathos of Politics, and The Hub of Being. Nobu is renowned for deliberate, incisive scholarship. He has the rare talent of drawing insights from m multiple disciplines and weaving them into a revealing consilience.
Michael James Geanoulis, Sr. is a former electronics field engineer, a passionate student of American History and Economics, and a dedicated public servant with a strong interest in social issues. ...
About: Norman Bacal is a retired attorney and the founder of the Toronto law office Heenan Blaikie. While building and leading this firm, he also became a widely sought expert in tax law for the entertainment business. He has represented studios such as Warner Brothers and MGM, and served on the Board of Directors for Lionsgate while they were producing the Hunger Games film franchise. Upon retirement from practice in 2015, he took up writing, authoring the Globe and Mail bestselling memoir, Breakdown, as well as his Amazon bestselling fiction novel Odell's Fall and a soon to be released second novel, Ophelia. Bacal actively mentors young professionals and is a frequent keynote speaker at universities, firm retreats, and conferences. Bacall holds a third degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and is an avid golfer.
About: It's been two plus decades since Founder, Dr. Fred DiUlus, established GLOBAL ACADEMY NETWORK. The NETWORK was launched as part of Dr. DiUlus' doctoral research project at the Union Institute & University in the 90's which saw its first creation, the Center for Ethics & Free Enterprise (CEFE) emerge from the project introducing the first national online program certifications in Applied Ethics and Entrepreneurship. The Landmark programs were followed by what is now known as the Flagship of the Global Academy Network inaugurated in 2000. It is known today as GLOBAL ACADEMY ONLINE, the public image of the Network. As a pioneer online international 'University Builder' of schools colleges and universities, the Flagship was followed by 11 other institutions, all located and managed under the Global Academy Network Umbrella.
About: Dr. Timothy Kosinski is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry and serves on the editorial review board of Reality, the information source for esthetic dentistry, Contemporary Esthetics and Clinical Advisors, and became the editor of the Michigan Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Kosinski received his DDS from the University of Detroit Mercy Dental School and his Mastership in Biochemistry from Wayne State University School of Medicine. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and the American Society of Osseointegration.
About: Anna Wang, author of Inconvenient Memories: A Personal Account of the Tiananmen Square Incident and the China Before and After. Anna Wang was born in China in 1966 just after the 'cultural revolution.' While still an infant, her parents' jobs required them to leave her to grow up with her grandmother, a woman whose feet had been crippled in the brutal Chinese tradition of foot binding. Wang loved to read novels, which were forbidden her home, and would sneak them whenever she could.
About: Alejandro Badia, M.D., F.A.C.S. has been in the trenches with our broken healthcare system since 1989 A hand and upper extremity orthopedic surgeon at Badia Hand to Shoulder Center in Miami, Florida, Dr. Badia previously served as Chief of Hand Surgery at Baptist Hospital of Miami. He studied physiology at Cornell University and obtained his medical degree at New York University, where he also trained in orthopedics. A hand fellowship at Alleghany General Hospital in Pittsburgh was followed by an AO Trauma fellowship in Freiburg, Germany.
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Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Author of ‘Resetting Healthcare Post-COVID-19,’ Inte...
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Featured on Tyler Wagner Radio Show
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS Tapped for Expert Panel at PBGH Health Symposium on R...
Theories of Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS on ‘Bleak Reality of Racial Disparity in ...
Solve Racial Disparities in Surgical Outcomes with ‘SurgiQuality’ by Sanjay P...
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Author of ‘Resetting Healthcare,’ Interviewed by Mar...
About: Post Covid Pandemic Healthcare information Reforms: What do you do when your doctor recommends surgery to you or to a loved one? Do you question their decision? The answer for the vast majority of Americans is no. Most of us have been trained to trust our physicians completely. After all, they’re the experts. They should know best. In his new book, Resetting Healthcare, Dr. Sanjay Prasad examines the lack of transparency in surgical care and offers a solution to the problem: a new, innovative tool called SurgiQuality that connects patients with qualified surgeons, offering second and third opinions, and even suggesting more conservative, non-surgical solutions as appropriate. Dr. Prasad reveals that between 10–20 percent of all surgeries in the US are unnecessary, either because of misdiagnosis or because a more conservative therapy may have been just as or even more effective. “The referral process is the heart of the problem
About: About Christopher Gilbert, PhD: Dr. Christopher Gilbert is a senior international ethics consultant and popular keynote speaker. As co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting, he has worked with Fortune 500, government, and non-profit organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, traveling the globe to spearhead sustainability, human capacity development, and business conduct programs. With over 25 years of award-winning teaching experience in colleges and universities on four continents, Chris has also pioneered nationally recognized professional development and ethics centers. As a motivational speaker and author, he is well known for his informative humor, authenticity, and personalized inspiration. He holds a PhD specializing in leadership ethics, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in geology.
About: About Jacquie Abram, Deborah Harris, and Delilah Harris. Jacquie Abram, Deborah Harris, and Delilah Harris are a mother-daughter powerhouse trio, who are intensely passionate about revealing the grueling truth about systemic racism in America. They co-authored the book Hush Money: How One Woman Proved Systemic Racism in her Workplace and Kept her Job. All three women left corporate America after experiencing racism in the workplace and suffering racial trauma. Jacquie spends her time writing books inspired by her experiences and the experiences of her daughters and others that shine a light on systemic racism in the workplace. She hopes her books will offer courage to those who are currently experiencing racism and don't know how to fight back, those who previously experienced racism and feel alone, and those who are allies and want a deeper understanding of how to help prevent racism.
About: Speaker, teacher, writer, and innovator in ethics training and ethics consulting, in law, accounting, business; national, state, and local governments; non-profits and associations, entertainment, sports, and the workplace. President of ProEthics, an ethics and compliance firm dedicated to helping organizations and professions build ethical cultures; former Adjunct Professor of Legal Ethics at Washington College of Law, American University in Washington, D.C. A Harvard- and Georgetown-educated attorney, Jack Marshall's ethics commentary has appeared in 'O' and 'The Hardball Times Annual,' heard on NPR's 'Tell Me More!' and 'Religion and Ethics Weekly.' He writes about the ethics of current events on his ethics commentary blog, Ethics Alarms.
About: Founded in 1948, the American Society of Journalists and Authors is the nation's professional organization of independent nonfiction writers. ASJA offers extensive benefits and services focusing on professional development, including regular confidential market information, meetings with editors and others in the field, an exclusive referral service, seminars and workshops, discount services and, above all, the opportunity for members to explore professional issues and concerns with their peers. Contact ASJA to reach the writers America reads.