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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Roberta Guise, MBA -- Small Business Marketing Expert
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About: Marketing and PR consultant Roberta Guise advises small business owners, independent professionals and non-profits on how to build a profitable stable of customers, save money on ineffective promotions, and get known through branding, precision marketing and public relations. Roberta also enables successful women to become thought leaders. She coaches clients one-one-one, and writes and speaks on how to get a distinctive marketing edge and be extraordinarily visible. For a lively mix of her ideas and opinions, read her articles at, and podcast profiles of influential women at
James D. Feldman -- AI Concierge
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About: James D. Feldman, CSP, PCS, CPT, CITE, is the creator of Shift Happens! James D. Feldman, is a customer service expert who has spent over 30 years helping businesses create exceptional customer experiences. James is a renowned speaker, author, and consultant passionate about delivering practical strategies companies can use to win customers and keep them for life. With his engaging speaking style and wealth of experience, James can help your business take its customer service to the next level. He is the author of 13 books, delivered over 1,000 presentations and has written dozens of articles ranging from romance scams to innovative problem-solving to enriching the employee and customer experience. He has worked with various industries, including automotive, HBA, fast food, tourism, retail, hospitality, and healthcare.
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
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About: Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing and book marketing expert advising and guiding writers and authors on how to take their words and create and publish a book. Known as The Book Shepherd, she brings the author's concept and vision to life; guides it through the publishing process, and strategizes the launch and book marketing. She understands the overwhelm that authors go through and has personally shepherded and coached over 1500 authors through the process of the manuscript to published book with practical publishing advice and guidance. Judith creates a book marketing strategy to support the book when published.
Cochran, Kroll and Associates
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About: About Cochran, Kroll & Associates -- The Law Offices of Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C. is dedicated to representing individuals and families who have suffered catastrophic losses as a result of injuries, disabilities and death. The firm does not represent insurance companies or corporations but instead bases its practice upon representing individuals and families. The firm does not charge clients a fee unless a recovery is made. For a free consultation call 800-322-5543 or visit
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
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About: WHAT I DO: For over 30 years, help Small and Middle Market executives and business leaders make & keep more money with less risk by providing access to best in business niche experts when you find that next pain point, challenge or opportunity. WHO I WORK WITH: Leaders whose organization sometimes feels like a best kept secret, coasting on past success, or just stuck, helping leaders. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT: Unlock cash-flow and increase profitability with access to 100 best-of-the-best experts, often better and cheaper than incumbents. Save yourself an expensive time-consuming period of trial and error by taking advantage of Gary's global work with over 200 companies, 30 years of business experience in every major C-Suite role, growing equity value and sustainable bottom line profitability. READY TO TALK: Imagine what I could do for you. Start making better, more profitable, business decisions, email or call 678-319-4739
Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source
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About: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) is the author /co-author of 5 books to include, 'Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere...8 keys to creating enduring connections with customers, co-workers - even kids'. His keynotes and seminars focus on getting along, building positive workplace relationships, people skills,dealing with and managing change, and how to build instant rapport, relationships and connect. He has been on numerous televison and radio shows as well as in the print media. Shows include the CBS evening news, ABC world morning news, USA Today, and others. He is a regular guest talking about relationship and people skills issues on Sirrus Radio and Family Net Television.
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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About: Looking for someone to give you 'The Why' behind what's happening and what's next? Gioia can do that for you. High content thought leader and Celebrity Futurist who will demystify complicated workforce and workplace issue and trends. Available 24/7, highly responsive and deadline-sensitive. Articulate Certified Management Consultant, she's upbeat about the future, with a realistic focus on employee turnover, labor shortages, corporation of the future, and similar current issues. Author of recent books on management and near-term future, including 'Impending Crisis,' 'How to Become an Employer of Choice,' 'Lean & Meaningful,'and 'How to Choose Your Next Employer.' The Herman Group helps organizations and their leaders prepare for tomorrow. Gioia has been on local and national TV more than 70 times and is often quoted in the national media, like TIME, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor.
National School Safety and Security Services -- Ken Trump
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About: National School Safety and Security Services is a Cleveland-based, national consulting firm specializing in K-12 school security and emergency preparedness issues. Kenneth S. Trump, President, has over 25 years school safety experience with school and public safety officials from all 50 states and Canada. Ken is one of the most widely quoted school safety experts and has appeared on all cable and network news.
Expert Click Radio -- Radio Interview Service
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About: ExpertClickRadio is from Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. of Washington D.C. We publish the Expert Referral website: - the site helps journalists, meeting planners and lawyers, respectively find Interview subjects, speakers for events, and expert witnesses. To be interviewed please contact us at: or call (202) 333-5000. ExpertClickRadio is produced by E.B. GO Vision Media.
David Mathison -- Chief Digital Officers Club
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About: The CDO Club is the world’s first, largest, and most powerful community of C-suite digital leaders. Our 5,000+ registered members receive access to breaking news, original research, career development support, networking opportunities, and inspirational events such as the CDO Summit. CDO Club members include leading digital strategists and practitioners at the world’s most influential organizations, with the following titles represented: Chief Digital Officers, Chief Data Officers, Chief Analytics Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Marketing Technologists, Chief Information Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Human Resource Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Board Directors.
Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
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About: Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC, CSP is an ICF board certified workplace productivity and success skills coach. Celebrated speaker, facilitator, coach, author, and internationally recognized e-mail productivity expert, she has coached leaders from some of the country's top companies and built a thriving coaching practice. Named one of PA's 50 Best Women in Business, she brings over twenty-five years of outstanding corporate and volunteer experience to her workplace productivity and career coaching firm, The Egan Group, Inc. Having been interviewed in countless media outlets, incl ABC Nightly News, CNN, and USA Today, she is internationally sought as an expert source.
Scott Lorenz - Book Marketing Expert
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About: Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC Nightly News, The New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS and many more.
Mikki Williams. CSP, CPAE
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About: Mikki Williams, CSP, Hall of Fame, TEDx speaker, chosen as one of the best speakers in the country by Meetings and Convention Magazine. Award-winning speaker for Vistage International, Master Chair of executive advisory boards, global celebrity speaker, transformational syoryteller, executive speech coach, creator of Speakers School , Keynote Kamp and The Mikki Mouth Club. Mikki has spoken in every US state, every Canadian province, every continent except Antarctica… where she can't wear her stiletto's.
Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist - Consultant
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About: Psychologist, consultant to businesses and professionals, coach and personal guide. Offers professional perspectives to a variety of business settings that increases profit, reduces absenteeism and promotes good morale. Author of four books, the latest being, 'Choose a Better Road: Tips for Life's Traffic Jams'. Presenter at state/national workshops on a variety of topics. Individualized training, retreats and workshops available. Presents live radio programs on the radio every two weeks and some television interviews. New book!!!! 'Better Sex through Deeper Emotional Intimacy.' A challenge for all of us. Listen to new podcasts on Answers to life's questions
Peggy Sands Orchowski -- Immigration Expert
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About: Margaret (Peggy Sands) Orchowski has covered immigration reform on Capitol Hill as a Congressional Journalist since 2005, as the Bill Analysis Editor for Congressional Quarterly, a Congressional Correspondent and for the Hispanic Outlook magazine. Since 2016 she also is the Senior Correspondent for The Georgetowner newspaper writing under the byline Peggy Sands. With the timely publication of her latest book 'The Law That Changed the Face of America: The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965' (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), she is available for speaking engagements, as a go-to expert reporter and for writing articles that give sensible and thoughtful background about today's hot issues on immigration such as DREAMERS, DACA and foreign students.
Wilma Taylor -- Wilma Taylor Ministries
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About: Dr. Taylor is a great motivational speaker with a message to inspire and assist you in understanding how to deal with life issues. She appeals to audiences that are dealing with relationship issues. She it the voice of the broadcast (HELP) Her Elevated Level of Potential, while will begin to air on radio station (WILD) Mobil, AL; (WBXR) Huntsville AL; (KLNG); Omaha, NE; and (WNVY) Pensacola, FL. She is a registered nurse, minister, trainer, evangelist, and conference speaker. She has a stimulating and exciting message with an unusual way of reaching people. She has traveled throughout the United States speaking and changing lives. She serves the Church of God in Christ as Supervisor of Women in Guyana, South America, where her focus is to build a clinic and train workers for the clinic.
Rose Lee Archer M.S.
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About: Elevate your career from an unknown to a distinguished expert through: How to be a Media Magnet. Discover Rose Lee's Award Winning approach to a dynamic interview. Reveal your talents and skills to light up the airwaves and create a lasting impression: Documented research reports the delivery of a television interview impacts an audience based on 7% content, 38% voice and 55% body language. Featured expert guests on the Rose Lee Archer Show expand expert advice to our viewers.
Preston Rideout -- Dram Shop Expert
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About: Preston Rideout is a Nightclub and Bar Expert with 30 years of experience and 126 Alcohol Safety Certifications, He is a highly sought-after Nightclub and Bar Consultant and is widely considered the most experienced Dram Shop Expert in the legal industry. Preston is CEO of Rideout Hospitality and Founder of The Dram Shop Experts.
Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
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About: Linda Popky, President of Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. is a senior marketing professional, author, speaker, and educator who helps transform organizations through powerful marketing results. Leverage2Market works with a wide range of organizations from startups and small businesses to Fortune 100 companies to get the best possible return on each marketing investment. She is an executive director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting.
Arthur Koch -- Management Consultant
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About: Arthur Koch has over 20 years of results-oriented business transformation leadership experience gained throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, and Europe. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies for consumer products, top-tier automotive suppliers, aerospace and defense, electronics, electrical and mechanical, as well as wholesale and distribution. Prior to entering consulting, he filled the role of Vice President of Supply Chain Management for companies that are global leaders in their industries. His expertise is in implementation and application of supply chain solutions for ERPs, forecasting and inventory planning, sales and operations planning, organizational re-engineering, and LEAN/synchronous practices. No matter the industry, Art focuses on driving profit with improvements to customer service and inventory and factory management. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of Michigan and a MBA in Supply Chain and Operation Management from the Eli Broad Graduate School of Business at Michigan State University.
Janice Litvin -- Wellness & Burnout Speaker
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About: Janice Litvin is on a mission to help leaders and teams banish burnout in their organizations. She does this through keynote speeches, workshops, and accountability groups. Her book, Banish Burnout Toolkit, helps teams learn how to change their behavior in reaction to stress from the inside, out. And her newest book, 'Banish Organizational Burnout: 26 Tips for Managers' helps leaders and middle managers cultivate a burnout-free organization. As an award-winning speaker, certified virtual presenter, and official SHRM Recertification Provider, she wants to help as many people as possible take care of their physical and mental health, including teaching them to manage stress to prevent burnout. In these ways, she is helping people change their lives. She has developed unique strategies to maximize engagement in workplace wellness.
Frank DiBartolomeo -- Presentation Coach For Technical Professionals
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About: Frank is a presentation coach for technical professionals. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. He has developed and honed his extensive public speaking abilities over his 40-year career, both in military service, as a contractor, and business owner. Because of his outstanding work in the field of public speaking and leadership, in 2002, Frank was awarded Toastmasters International’s highest individual award - Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). He formed DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC in 2007. The mission of DCI is to help technical professionals to inspire, motivate, and influence their colleagues and other technical professionals through improving their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence. Frank DiBartolomeo is also a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. His expertise as an engineer and technical leader in the military and industry led to a variety of leadership assignments
Pam Rambo --- College Admissions Expert
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About: We Help You Get IN! -- Pam Rambo helps high school and college students determine the right major for their interests and skill sets, pinpoints the colleges that will best meet their needs and ide...
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
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About: Improving the quality of employee's lives is one of the best things a business can do for their employees and their business. Believe it or not, getting rid of physical and digital clutter is one of the more effective actions a business leader can take to categorically increase profits and improve the quality of the lives of their employees. Unquestionably, clutter is bad for business. It not only slows your employees down, it weighs them down. They are less productive than they would like to be, and as a result, less happy than they would like to be. Over time, this emotional baggage not only costs businesses a lot of money, but hurts employees in just about every way, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. They tend to feel tired, overwhelmed and constantly stressed out.
Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization
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About: ERGO is a non-profit research group studying the subtleties and complexities of euthanasia (help with a good death) so it can be carefully carried out as and when the law permits. Journalist and author Humphry has campaigned since l978 for a dying person's right to medical assisted suicide, also self-deliverance if no lawful means is available to a terminally ill adult who is of sound mind. He became involved in the right-to-die issue when he published 'Jean's Way' -- an account of helping his dying first wife to bring her life to a peaceful end. Derek Humphry (president), who founded the original Hemlock Society in l980, also authored the bestseller how-to suicide guide, Final Exit, which sells in 12 languages. In 2017 Humphry published his life story 'Good Life, Good Death: The Memoir of a Right to Die Pioneer' (Carrel Books, NY)
Dr. Lisa M. Aldisert -- Leadership is a Mindset
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About: Dr. Lisa Aldisert believes that leadership is a mindset. That’s why as an executive advisor, she teaches leaders to embrace leadership in from the practical to the conceptual. Working closely with her clients, Aldisert helps develop leaders' ability to build character, trust instincts, leverage communication skills, enhance original thinking and respect time. When these leadership skills are unleashed, leaders have less fear, more wins and overall greater velocity in their careers. She works primarily with entrepreneurs, executives, business owners and practice professionals. Dr. Aldisert is available to comment on Leadership is a Mindset as well as executive women in business, family-owned enterprises and the changing face of the United States workforce. She is the author of 'Valuing People: How Human Capital Can Be Your Strongest Asset' and 'Leadership Reflections - 52 Leadership Practices in the Age of Worry.'
Lifesaving Resources, LLC
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About: Lifesaving Resources is dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management. The company develops Aquatics Safety (drowning prevention), Lifeguarding, Water Rescue, Swiftwater Rescue, and Ice Rescue training curriculums and conducts this training throughout the U.S., as well as Internationally, for the Public Safety and Rescue Sector; the Lifeguard and Aquatic Recreation Sector; and, the General Public. Gerald Dworkin serves as the technical consultant, and is a leading author and educator in his field. Dworkin has over 40 years of professional experience as a Firefighter, EMT, Lifeguard, Water Rescue and Ice Rescue Technician, Instructor, and Instructor Trainer and has published numerous articles. He has also appeared as a subject expert for CNN, ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's Today Show, CBS' Early Show, The Weather Channel, and The Discovery Channel. He also regularly consults as an Expert Witness in drowning litigation cases.
Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert
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About: Timothy A. Dimoff, CPP, high-risk security expert is President/Founder of SACS Consulting, Inc. (, a risk mitigation firm providing preventative measures and response for substance abuse, workplace violence, harassment, crime, and policy development/enforcement problems for the security and human resources fields. Tim has appeared on NBC Dateline, Court TV, CNN, on radio shows and in major newspapers and magazines including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Inc. and Entrepeneur. Tim is the author of numerous articles and training programs, and of the book Life Rage, an in-depth look at the rages terrorizing society.
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
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About: Joy S. Pedersen, CEO and Founder of Express Success LLC, is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denomination ordained Minister, and Doctor of Divinity. Archangel Michael appeared before her in 2004 and asked her to write his book, which he dictated, 'Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life,' and join him in a healing practice. Her practice serves individuals and businesses of all sizes to overcome their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health, and well-being. Her #1 bestseller, 'Clear Your Past and Change Your Future,' speaks of her work with Michael, clearing the cause of darkness and the karma negatively impacting humanity to open up Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013. She now adds training to enlighten and lead people to the light, to help all soar.
Kathryn Brown Ramsperger -- Author & Intuitive Life Coach(R)
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About: After the 9/11 attacks in New York City and my home base of Washington, DC, society focused on 'Ground Zero.' I felt they were missing the point: The world as we knew it was forever changed, not destroyed. Each ONE of us was being called to step up to refashion this new world. That's why I created Ground One LLC: to connect, coach, and collaborate with people all over the world--to build a better world. I'm a journalist, speaker, intuitive coach, book coach, and humanitarian. I'm also the author of the award-winning multicultural novel THE SHORES OF MY SOULS. Together, let's create a little more peace.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
Janice Litvin -- Wellness & Burnout Speaker
Author U -- Judith Briles
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Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
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Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
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Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
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Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Authors … Don’t Let Your Words Disappear or Die … Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Monday Motivator: Progress or Perfection? Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
Mortality Movie Nights at French Funerals & Cremations: Exploring Life and Death Through Film Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death, Funeral Expert
Top of Mind Thursday – March 6, 2025: Taxing Times Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
Stevie® Awards Extends The 2025 American Business Awards® Final Entry Deadline The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Terry Real – Breaking the Rules of Traditional Couples Therapy for Superior Results, A Few Frameworks That Work (#798) Tim Ferriss - Productivity, Digital Lifestyles and Entrepreneurship
Find a March 23 rally near you National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)
Winners Announced in 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Terry Real, Relationship Coach — Tools and Practices for Couples (#798) Tim Ferriss - Productivity, Digital Lifestyles and Entrepreneurship
Interest Arbitration set to begin March 17 National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)

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